Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Sale, Sale, SALE!


No updates tonight.

No further questions.

We're almost there.


You were all pretty great about last night's post and I just want to thank you for that. 

I love parody. I love writing parody.

Back in the days of the softball videos we were all about parody. We did "Anchorman" and "Survivor"  and other movie and TV parodies.

But with such writing, there are often hurt feelings. My goal was to make you laugh but I kept waiting for that one person to not get it.

They'd be the one apologizing because they thought it was their questions that caused me to write the post. Or, somehow, they'd be offended.

Honestly, I just wanted to create a laugh. For me and you.

I'm pleased to say we seemed to accomplish that.


I'll leave you with this tonight to keep things brief.

We're having a tag sale this weekend. We're saying it starts at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday and will go until things are done -- whenever that is.

The same goes for Sunday.

If needed we'll do it again next weekend.

But, I suppose it's also fair to say that if you stop by anytime before then just let us know what you might want.

Any reasonable offer will be accepted for things.

Among the items of note are:

- Mom's recliner 

- A stereo that can hang on a wall

- A cash register 

- Furniture 

- Toys that belonged to Sean

- Books

- CDS, a few records, and some electronics.

- A few road signs (yes, seriously) 

- Mugs and glasses 

- Plates and silverware

- Sporting goods

- A lawnmower

- A tractor

- A snowblower

- More stuff that I'm forgetting about

This is off the top of my head but I think you get the idea. Lots to be seen and bought. As I said, all reasonable offers will be accepted and first-come, first-served!

The address is 30 Longview Drive, Mahopac. Minutes off the Taconic State Parkway.

After that, regardless of where I'm going, I'm moving out (cue Billy Joel).

Ack ack ack.

You oughta know by now.

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