Monday, May 09, 2022

A May Case of the Mondays


I'm a little run down tonight.

Oh, I'm fine on the broadcasting front, I suppose. I called the Warde/Ludlowe game and it was quite good. Connecticut traffic reminded me that it is truly the worst. Nearly two hours to go from Mahopac to Fairfield? 

A wild pitch gave the Mustangs -- the number two team in the latest poll -- a 1-0 lead and that held up until a three-RBI double gave Ludlowe the lead in the sixth.

The Falcons hung on for the 3-1 upset win. A splendid time was had by all.

Or most.

I got to hang with Shawn Sailer and had dinner with him. Also, thanks to Shawn for the swag from both squads. Much love and respect to the Fairfield teams!

It's the other stuff I'm run down about and, I suppose, freaking out about. You know, the whole house/apartment situation.

My football metaphor from last night now feels like we're stalled on the one-yard line with time running down.

Except, I have a time out left and I'm calling it.

Everyone keeps telling me it's going to be OK but I think I'm just tired so, right now, I need all of the positivity to combat my own doubts and bouts of reality.

As for today, I worked in the basement for a stretch. I looked at Mom's stairlift and ran it a few times. Can we sell it?

We also have a classic NCR cash register (and it's crazy heavy). My dad got that for me probably 43 years ago. It's a great antique. Does anyone want to buy it?

Oh, and the stereo that hung in the living room?

All up for bids.

I realize my story is not entirely easy to tell and I don't tell the whole thing (but does anyone?). There have been twists and turns and I'm just trying to move forward.

Literally, that's it. I work hard. I pay my bills. I watch my budget. I don't live extravagantly. I'm hoping for some better days and opportunities. 

I'm looking -- literally -- for a home.

Maybe I'll be up for talking and writing a bit more tomorrow. But, tonight, I'm tired and a bit defeated.

We'll try again tomorrow.

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