Tuesday, May 10, 2022

I Have (Some) Answers


Voiceover: We've gathered in the ballroom of the Danbury Super 8 for a briefing on the status of Rob Adams, broadcaster, blogger, and Renaissance Man. Let's now go to the podium.

Rob Adams: Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for being here. I want you to read my lips, I have not had relations with that woman...huh?

(An advisor -- is that Chris Erway? -- whispers in his ear)

RA: Oh, apparently that's not why we're here so I can stop quoting presidents. Well, I'll skip the opening statement and we can proceed to questions since I know you have many.

Yes, you, go ahead.

Reporter: Rob, hi, so what's the latest?

RA: Well I started to tell you the latest but, apparently, you mean on the previous blog posts and football metaphors. We're a little over two weeks away from having to be out of the house that has been in my family since late 1963.

Reporter: Why so rushed?

RA: Basically, it comes down to the process having taken too long due to courts, documents, drama, more documents, bad communication, and more documents. The new owners' patience has run out. So, we -- and by "we" I mean basically my sister and me -- have to clean out.

Reporter: Haven't you been doing that all along? 

RA: Sort of. I've wanted this process for a decade. We started doing some stuff in early 2021 but lots of things got in the way. All along we kept getting told that we'd have an appropriate amount of time for cleaning out and for me to find a place to live. That turned out to be incorrect and, apparently, we have little recourse.


Reporter: So, why now? Why is this happening?

RA: Well, as you know, I lost my mother in 2020. I was here to care for her, drive her to dialysis and doctor's appointments, and guide her through COVID. I did her shopping or took her anywhere she needed to go. When she passed, I knew our time in Mahopac was winding down. There is no way to keep the house. It's nearly 60 years old and I have neither the way nor means to give it the attention it needs. The house -- like my mom -- is a grand ol' girl. The house needs a new set of hands to move it forward. There were too many hurdles for me to stay here.

Thanks for the question. Who's next?

Reporter: So you're being vague on the blog. Why?

RA: Well, what I said is true. We're right there. Things are close. But I really can't comment on what or where or anything else at this time. I hope to have a resolution soon.

Reporter: Will you announce it?

RA: Of course. I write a blog post every day and have done so since the end of 2018. I have to find something to write about each day so, yes, I will tell the basically 10 people waiting to find out!

Let's go over here.

Reporter: Hi. Where are you looking?

RA: A wide swath of Putnam, Westchester, and very lower Dutchess Counties in New York and Fairfield County in Connecticut.

Reporter: More finite, it appears you have a location. Where?

RA: I'm not getting into specifics at this time.

We'll move to another question here. Hi!

Reporter: Meow! Will #TheCat be joining you? What about your son?

RA: Nice work on the hashtag. Yes, both will be joining me. I imagine Sean will remain equally split between his homes but it will depend on his schedule. I'm not as concerned because he's always welcome at my place and he helps out taking care of Squeaky when I'm not around.

Yes, next question.

Reporter: What's important to you about an apartment? What are you looking for?

RA: Comfort and convenience to start. A washer and dryer are important because my hours and life are so busy that I don't often have time to go sit at a laundromat. I did that years ago and I'd prefer to not go back to that. There are some other things that I really like but it depends on what and where and the price. I just want a home. 

Reporter: Do you have a backup plan?

RA: I will say that I've been offered a few situations that would welcome us in the interim. I don't know for how long and I don't want to take advantage of anyone. I could put my belongings in storage but obviously, that's not the best plan.

Let's go to this side of the room. Hi.

Reporter: So, to be clear, is the house sold?

RA: Yes, the house is sold. We agreed to something some time ago but the process has been rather protracted. It was not what we had in mind in a lot of ways and now we're up against time to take, essentially, 60 years of our family's life and sell it, junk it, or move it.

It's not ideal. My sister and I are exhausted emotionally and physically. 

Next question.

Reporter: So, what's next?

RA: We trash and sell and move and clean and get out by May 25th. If it all works then I'm in a new place and life goes on. I'll still be at Hunt Scanlon and 360 Service Partners doing depos with Dan and Craig and WGCH and LocalLive -- it's one word, everyone! -- and Brunswick and Connecticut School of Broadcasting and wherever else I'm asked to be. The freelance life isn't perfect but I grind every day.

But, let me add that I'd really like to have a work home. A base. One that provides benefits and stability. That's another thing I'm working towards.

We probably have time for one more question.

Reporter: You were seen with one of the Real Housewives of New York recently. Any comment?

RA: No more questions. Thank you.

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