Sunday, May 29, 2022

My "Quiet" Sunday

The view from the balcony

I made more progress today around what I'm jokingly calling "The Presidential Suite."

You know, as in Adams and son.

You know, John Adams (second President) and John Quincy Adams (sixth President).

I know. It's a stretch but I need things to make me laugh.

The sounds of Billy Joel continued to ring in my brain as I did stuff.

The first order of business today was to address a "tall person" problem. The shower head was a bit low so I thought I'd treat us to a new one. If it wasn't great for me it definitely wouldn't be great for Sean. So, I ran to Home Depot first thing this morning and bought one. Minutes later, it was installed by me.

Me. Who can't butter bread.

I did some organizing in Sean's room but stopped short of doing too much as he needs to do that himself. It's his space.

I focused mostly on my bedroom and the living room. Among my big products was a major (for me, anyway) purge of my books, especially after Kris and Sean both reminded me that E-readers exist.

So I really cleaned things out. Then, I took the remaining books and put them on the built-in shelves in the attic.

Slowly, more space is opening up in the living room. I still have to resolve my desk situation as well as a kitchen table. A trip to Ikea (most likely) will resolve all of that.

With each day -- more gets done to make this a home.

Rascal is also squeaking his way around here a little more. He sat in his tower for a bit today after I assembled it for him.

That, by the way, was around the time I fell asleep in my chair.

I made sure to take a break to eat, running out to get dinner before coming back here. I set up my balcony to sit outside and eat while trains passed by and traffic did its thing on 95.

Anyway, I'm babbling. The Cat and I will soon fall asleep thus ending another day on our own.

Happy Memorial Day tomorrow as we remember those who sacrificed all so that we can go to Ikea.

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