Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day, 2022


Nothing more American on Memorial Day than Swedish Meatballs, amirite?

Let's start with a few quick notes before I prattle on.

- Some say it's not appropriate to offer each other a "Happy Memorial Day." Well, I disagree, and here's why. We're honoring the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces, particularly those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle. So, to say "Happy Memorial Day" is to honor their memories for the very reason they were fighting so that we could say so.

It is not, however, for veterans. That's in November.

Also, we really get hung up on the most ridiculous minutiae, don't we? How about you do what suits you?

- I'm grateful to each of you who has followed along with the probable overkill of the move (out and in). It has been a journey and I'm happy you've come along but no there are times that it has been too much. My goal is to never overshare but that is the finest of lines. I tell stories -- lots of stories -- yet I don't give every detail.

I'll give you more. One day.

But, for now, I'm beyond grateful.


The goal for today was a table and a desk.

I achieved half of the goal.

Sean came for his first stay here and, right off the bat, I have to say we have a bit of a parking issue. We're allowed one car (I say we can fit two) and Sean is only going to be there basically half of every month. When he does get here, he basically parks his car and doesn't touch it for a week. However, as you might know, parking is a bit of an issue in Greenwich.

For now, my car is on the street and I let him take the parking spot.

So, we have a little figuring out to do there. I'm open to any suggestions from my Greenwich friends.

Still, that aside, we emptied out the car to take a trip to Ikea. Curiously, the location that was suggested to me wasn't New Haven. Indeed, I decided to go to Paramus, NJ. My "Spidey senses" for roads and traffic were tingling.

It was the right call. We barely struggled with Memorial Day ("Happy" or not!) traffic at all.

So we zoomed to the Garden State and set about our shopping goal.

As I said, one out of two, we got a small table where I can now sit and eat a meal, especially my cereal.

On the other hand, the desk didn't go so well. the very desk I decided on -- reasonably priced and sized -- wasn't completely available. Now, follow along here. The desktop was available and in multiple colors! 

They didn't have desk legs. is that possible?

I considered several others of different sizes and prices. Yet none of them really satisfied me.

"Wow," Sean chided me. "You're really indecisive."

One thing about me: I'll make my own decision but I really like having the thoughts of people I trust. I also consider all of my options. That's my management style. It's also my style as a father. So I asked for his opinions and, well, I got some but it took work to get there.

And, ultimately, I came home without a desk. I have a large folding table that I used back in Mahopac as a desk but I think it's a bit big for my bedroom. So I'll go with that temporarily until Ikea gets its act together.

Cat not included

Our trip to Paramus allowed one other advantage: a Wawa was only 10 minutes away! Coffee! Food! Happiness!

The boys drove home happily. We decided to take our goodies home and heat them up for dinner.

I kept looking for the big traffic backup and, ultimately, it didn't happen. We made our way back across the bridge that crosses the Tappan Zee.

No problems at all.

Upon coming home, I worked on putting air conditioners in the windows. Two old AC units were in our attic. One worked fine. The other? Not so much. Guess whose bedroom had the dysfunctional AC? 

I had to swap it out for another one.

To be clear, they're all turned off now as the night has turned comfortable.

But these are the things that will occupy moments as we settle in. A trip to Goodwill is necessary to donate CDs and books that I've purged. Maybe some other stuff.

Every day will continue to be a work in progress and I'm here for all of it.

Especially with working air conditioning to keep us cool.

It's supposed to be 96 tomorrow.

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