Thursday, October 15, 2009

More on Broadcast Space

Never have I had a year in which booth space has been so hard to get. We snuggled into Boyle Stadium thanks to the presence of the TV crew from MSG Varsity (who has a reputation for acting like they own every place they set up - though they have all been very cool with me, so I have no beef).

At Danbury, the school has their own TV crew, so there was no room for us in the booth at Crotty Stadium. Thus - in the rain - we stood outside. The staff was nice enough to get us a table and chairs. Then GHS assistant coach TJ Ostruzka gave us his rain suit to cover the equipment with. The Cardinals' first family of film, George and Nancy Chelwick, got umbrellas for us. Then - the biggest gift of all - the GHS Quarterback Club grabbed a shell that they put up over us. To be honest, WGCH should have one of our own for this very reason.

I mean, call me crazy, but we only have a bunch of electronic equipment, and some of it is very old. We probably should be protecting it.

So in the end, we got by at Danbury just fine thanks to the cooperation of a lot of people, and our own good sense of humor and survival.

And by the way, the Danbury staff has some of the nicest people I have come across. All class acts.

Now comes Trumbull's McDougall Stadium - not my favorite place to call a game. Lousy cell phone signal...wooden press box...leaky...and so on.

And MSG Varsity will be there.


If they're going to do this, could they at least give me the channel, or access to their website?

I'm told (thanks to Nick ~F.O.X.~) that we have space and we'll be fine. We will see...

Next week? Bridgeport's Kennedy Stadium. Another adventure undoubtedly awaits! And that's it until Thanksgiving morning, because we'll be back at home sweet home - Cardinal Stadium. We'll be at Staples for the last game of the year on turkey day, and they have their own radio team. We might be outside that day.

Don't get me wrong - that doesn't bother me too much, especially if the weather isn't an issue.

We'll also be heading to Brunswick's Cosby Field (shouldn't be a problem) and Hopkins in New Haven (that might be interesting, but we'll see).

It's never dull, that's for sure!

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