Saturday, January 22, 2022

Too Busy!


You need a basket to play basketball. Nice work at Brunswick today.

It's 11:05 p.m. and I need to write a post. 

Oh, I know, I should have started hours ago. Get on this!

Well, other things crept up.

I caught up on a little sleep. I went to Brunswick. I called basketball. I'm currently working another overnight deposition.

I hear there's a chance we might not go all night but I've heard that before. I'm prepared to go to bed at 4:30 tomorrow morning again. I just try to hear the cash register KA-CHINGING!

In between, I navigated Facebook foolishness between fellow broadcasters. The story is too long to try to explain but I did my best to mitigate the egos and ridiculousness of it all.

Oh, I argued and made my thoughts clear but I walked away with my head held high.

It wasn't about me but it was a situation that I still could address.

And I did.

So I came home, jumped straight into working the overnighter and cranking other projects.

With that, I almost forgot to write the post!

I mean, not entirely, but I looked up and realized it was approaching 11 p.m.

And here we are.

So that's my Saturday night. Things to concentrate on as I work before another long day tomorrow.

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