Thursday, January 13, 2022

On Self-Promotion

Promoting my work isn't as easy as you might think.

It's a dance.

I go through a constant barrage of self-doubt. Last night's post wasn't an easy one, for instance, because I wrestled with how much that was "about me" as I went behind the scenes at Brunswick.

So I felt like it was being too self-promotional even if I didn't intend it to be.

Promoting the games and shows and the blog and so on has sort of a formula to it. Beyond that, it takes tact.

That brings me to tonight when I saw Twitter friend Peter Wilkin tweeting about NFHS Network. Now, in full disclosure, I've done games via their channel over the years. To me, I'm going to call the game the same way regardless of provider.

Still, I've heard gripes about NFHS and I've had my own issues.

Local Live, on the other hand, well I love me some Local Live and that's what Peter was tweeting also. Local Live is free to the end-user and, often, uses play-by-play voices. Some are, frankly, teachers or parents or students or fans with little to no experience. Some of it is.

I also do a lot for Local Live. That's it. That's all I'll add.

So when I saw Peter's tweet, I decided I could be playful and self-promote. The key to it is to say you're being shameless and add a wink/nudge to the recipe.

To further prove I was being playful, I added a few disclaimers. I considered using "seatback may be used as a floatation device" or something else but I liked what I came up with.

SHAMELESS PLUG! And you can get me calling play-by-play on Local Live (While supplies last. Some assembly required.)

Maybe some will laugh. Maybe some will roll their eyes. Maybe some will say, "Hey! We need to get that Rob Adams on our broadcasts ASAP!"

Overall, nobody will notice. Win some, lose some.

As for the emojis, well, they sometimes come in handy but I see them also used to ridiculous effect so I added the police light as a nod to that. A little parody, I suppose.

As I always say, the broadcasts aren't about us so this is a fine line to walk. We need to get noticed and, hopefully, get work.

To me, promoting my broadcasts in a Facebook group of other play-by-play announcers (as opposed to my personal page) is a waste of time and intense narcissism. 

Yet there are people -- the same damn people -- who do it 

I don't think I'm going to get noticed or more listeners there. In fact, I'd likely not hire any of these broadcasters because they go against my beliefs. Plus I don't see where they're helping others in the long run, which is supposed to be the idea of the group (or groups).

Now, on my personal page (and other personal accounts), that's fair game. Yet still, there's a line.

At least I think there is.

There's a right way to do it, I suppose.

I hope tonight's way was a little fun.

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