Friday, July 10, 2020

A Tropical Storm Friday

It's a rainy, windy night in the 845.

While we're not specifically under a tropical storm warning, we have a flash flood watch going on and there's certainly some wind swirling around.

Did you ever got involved in something and say to yourself, "This is awful?"

That's where I am in this post.

I thought I'd write about storm stories but, really, what do I have to offer?

To tell you the Superstorm Sandy one again?

Went to Greenwich when I didn't necessarily have to. Was asked to go on the air four hours earlier than intended and wound up sitting in the studio for 7.5 hours. Was supposed to do a sports talk show and, instead interviewed people and gathered info. Lost power at 10:30. Slept on a floor in an office because I forgot to inflate an air mattress when we still had power.

Went home the next day.

Oh, and got interviewed by a Canadian radio station both before and after the storm.

I guess it's more interesting than that but I feel like I've told it enough times.

In other news, I failed. No shock there.

I was considering a night off when the streak of posts hit 558 days. Well, I lost count, and this is post number 559 in a row.

So, yeah.

At best I'd probably go to 2,129 and stop, so as not to tie or pass Lou Gehrig. It's just me but I respect the Iron Horse. Plus, if I'm hurting the team, I'd definitely sit one out.

I think I'm hurting the team tonight, in fact.

So, anyway, it's rainy and there's some wind.

It's sort of a tropical storm.

We all have stories.

Hopefully it will all be fine.

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