Friday, November 19, 2021

Focusing on Football


I'm calling a game here later. I graduated from high school on that field.

I'm aware of what happened today.

I have thoughts on it.

Generally speaking, as has been my thing, discussing them on a blog or on social media does absolutely no good, especially when I think about what I do professionally.

While I tend to think nobody cares about my opinion, well, let's just say it's dangerous to go down any road these days.

So I'm sitting here, working a deposition while prepping for football.

It's not burying my head in the sand. It's, essentially, keeping my thoughts to myself.

And, more to the point, it's keeping my thoughts off social media. Honestly, what good has it ever done, especially when dealing with political lightning rod issues?

Hell, I remember writing about the Orlando nightclub shooting. I was horrified and remember I wanted everyone to just chill out before doing the political thing. I got crap for saying that.

So, instead, I'm breaking down stats for Burnt Hills/Ballston Lake (BHBL) and Somers high schools. I'm looking at what kind of team each one is. I'm looking for little nuggets from the respective news sources.

I'm retyping BHBL's roster since the format wasn't to my liking.

I'm digging into why it was possible that BHBL's head coach might not be at Mahopac High School tonight (he will be but it took an investigation to resolve it).

I'm keeping an eye on the deposition and making sure I'm doing my job.

Oh, I'm plenty aware of the news. Most of the time, when someone says to me, "Did you hear..." I've generally heard.

Or seen.

So I know what's going on and I'm not happy about it. Take that however you wish. I'll leave it open to interpretation.

But I've got BHBL and Somers coming up later.

I've got Brunswick and Deerfield Academy tomorrow in a big bowl game. Some are calling it the biggest game in the history of Cosby Field in Greenwich.

There are other things in my life I have to give my attention to. Some of that trickles online.

Today, however, I'm thinking about football.

Kick-off is at 6 p.m.

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