Saturday, May 02, 2020

Thirty-Day Song Chellenge

I'm a tough sell when it comes to trends.

I can jump on immediately -- if not before they become a trend. Or I can wait (or never participate).

I've resisted many of the various challenges, regardless of the pandemic.

But, for my own reasons, I've decided to do the 30-day song challenge that is going around.

I thought about sitting here and giving you one post with all 30 days but that felt like too much.

So we'll roll from here. We can start tonight and end it on May 31.

I'm not aware of rules about repeating artists or anything like that, so we'll do this "Rob Style," or even "Rob's Rules."

But, let's come back to that.

Day 1: A song you like with a color in the title.

While one can opt for Joni Mitchell "Blue" or Coldplay "Yellow" or Kermit the Frog "Bein' Green" this is me, of course, and maybe its because of yesterday's post (which I have since climbed down off the bridge and thank you for the inquiries -- and there were some either directly to me or to others about me), but I think I must once again give Sean some love.

Sean and I drove together a lot and we listened to a lot of music, especially in his preschool years. I would load him into his car seat and he'd put in his request. He has, you might know, a healthy love for The Beatles, I'm proud to say.

This is probably still his favorite. I love it more because of that.

You've probably figured it out, and I'll waste no more time on the buildup.

"In the town where I was born lived a man who sailed to sea..."

Oh, the "Rob's Rules" thing. Seems that, when backed into a corner in a debate, it's the thing to say that I have "rules."

Hmm. No. I have opinions. Easy mistake, I suppose.

See, if I think Babe Ruth is the greatest baseball player ever (and I do...duh) that's an opinion. Doesn't mean you have to agree. You might disagree. The beauty of it is you can respond to that with an opinion of your own. Then I can reply. That's called a "debate."

If you want to think it's Ken Griffy JR or Barry Bonds or Willie Mays, well, that's great. I don't agree.

So, if I say, oh, "Black is not a Mets color" and that I like the Mets in their classic uniforms, including the ones with the pinstripes, then that's an opinion. Scholars can explain this concept much better than I can.

See, I think the Mets putting pinstripes on their uniform in 1962 is sort of bad ass, in that they -- as the METROPOLITANS -- used not only Dodgers blue and Giants orange but they dared to add Yankees pinstripes. Get it? Metropolitan New York? It was a kick in the pants.

If the Mets want to go with black tops, which their lead radio voice Howie Rose decried, and bring back the non-pinstripe all white vanilla unis, then BRAVO! Have at it.

I also hate the Red Sox red batting practice tops and think they're borderline offensively criminal.

They're ugly, but that's my opinion!

Doesn't mean they have to do it. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

You do you.

Have we resolved this confusion or will we go through another round of insanity?

No rules. Just opinions.

SING! "We all live in a yellow submarine..."

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