Wednesday, May 20, 2020

That's Life

Mikey likes Life!
Another Wednesday comes to an end.

A :Doubleheader" here, a "Clubhouse" there.

In the middle of "The Clubhouse," I discovered that the studio that I've built and rebuilt and modified and messed with for over two months wasn't functioning properly.

Basically, I was broadcasting in this case through the microphone of an iPad. Welp.

Dave Torromeo could see it in my face. Basically, I spent the rest of the show trying to figure out how to fix it in my brain.

I immediately began looking at wires and seeing the setup in my brain. My inner MacGyver was on the case.

I continued after we were off the air at 8 p.m. It took some playing but I think -- maybe -- I've fixed it.

Three old computers (two MacBooks) and two iPads with an old iPhone will get you through all kinds of things, I suppose. Upgrades would be lovely.

There's too much to think about tonight, and yet, our 30-Day Song Challenge just whacks us right between the eyes.

Day 19: A song that makes you think about life


There's so much. My immediate thought was "Let it Be" because it's about as close to a hymn as I normally get. Certainly "Imagine" works in that same way.

"One," not by U2 but by Johnny Cash, can make you ponder literally everything you've ever known. Any version of "Hallelujah" (Jeff Buckley with the go-to version) will work.

The entire soundtrack of Garden State also does the job. I've used that for many a moody, deep time. In fact, I was leaning towards something from Nick Drake, who has a song on that soundtrack.

When I get overwhelmed like this, I glance at lists on the interwebs for suggestions.

There it was: the brilliant Harry Chapin.

At first, it was going to be "Cats in the Cradle," just to purely torture me and have me sobbing as I finished typing.

But, instead, I think I need two old flames. One who's live the high life. The other who is just getting high.

"Harry, keep the change..."

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