Friday, May 29, 2020

And The Award Goes To...

Keep in mind I was the only play-by-play man
Well, it doesn't go to me.

STAA (Sportscasters Talent Agency of America) just handed out their Jim Nantz Award to the top collegiate sportscaster.

To be quite clear, I wouldn't qualify, as I didn't call a single game during my time there. Oh, and I finished college 23 years ago.

Besides, STAA would never recognize a Western Connecticut State grad, would they? No little schools allowed or at least it appears that way.

Anyway, that's cool and all. Congrats to the winner, whom I notice was pictured with Norwalk's Eddie McCabe in his highlight package.

I covered Eddie McCabe at Norwalk High, including his game against Brien McMahon in Cooperstown in 2015. Huh. Go figure.

The same Cooperstown game I just downloaded form NFHS. Life's weird.

I digress.

I'm proud to say I know a couple of Nantz Award winners as well.

But, look, some allow this stuff to define them -- good or bad. Don't.

My friend Brandon Ross earned an honorable mention and I'm happy for him. He worked hard.

It's great to be an award winner. I have a couple of plaques on the wall from people who have been kind to me over the years (or felt sorry for me). I wouldn't exactly say they were "competitive awards." I don't belong to any broadcasting organization that hands them out. In fact, I never have.

So, party on, winners! But to those who pursued it and came up short, look long and hard at the big picture and recognize the journey has a long way to go.

And to those who didn't pursue it, you do you. I respect you also.

Keep grinding. Be yourself (as Mr. Barber told Mr. Scully).

Keep being the best YOU can be in whatever you do.

Build your network. Don't kiss ass. Remain authentic. Honor the craft.

Practice and remain humble.

And carry on.

I'm sickened by what's going on Minneapolis. I'm further sickened by some of the things that come out of Washington.

I'm sad tonight.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Day 28: A song by an artist whose voice you love

I've got an unpopular take here.

I prefer Christine McVie to Stevie Nicks in Fleetwood Mac.

I don't have anything against the whirling dirvish of chiffon that is Stevie. She's made lots of great (and, at times, overplayed) songs as a solo artist and with big Mac.

Maybe it's the contrarian in me but I love Christine's purring velvet fog, no doubt perfected via years of Virginia Slims and perhaps a bottle of vodka or two.

(I'm not sure of any of that. I just liked the way that rolled)

I've actually had silly debates (fights) over such stands. Doesn't mean I'm right (or wrong).

So, have at it. I thought this would be a different road to go down.

Here's "Warm Ways" on a rainy, humid night.

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