Thursday, May 21, 2020

Letting You Off Easy Tonight

"Another music post? God, I hope it isn't The Beatles again."
For those who have tired of the music posts, we're spinning (get it? Like a record?) into the final third of the 30-Day Song Challenge.

Day 20: A song that has many meanings to you

I tried. I did.

I'm a crap writer who is going the easy route tonight.

You see, I've tried to not use the same damn artists every day and have pretty much failed.

Give it's after 11 p.m., I'm just going with The Beatles and calling it a night.

Not very original, I know.

The song doesn't have "many" meaning but what song does?

There are two meanings: the incorrect (it's a love song from a man to a woman) and the correct (it's an ode to pot).

And there you have it.

"Got To Get YouInto My Life"

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