Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Almost Perfect

From the world of the pandemic, the good news is the NHL announced they are coming back.

A 24-team tournament will get underway, most likely in July, aiming toward handing out the Stanley Cup by early fall.

This could have been baseball.

However, don't fool yourself. There are disagreements over safety but this is really about money.

Somehow the NBA, the NHL and the NFL have all handled things mostly in a low-key way while MLB keeps running their collective traps.

And, hey, why not moan about money in the middle of a pandemic with historic unemployment?

If it's 1994 again, it will be bad. Very bad.

The 2020 baseball season is in grave danger right now.

The good news is negotiations continue this week.

Day 26: A song you like by an artist no longer living

Where does one start?

But I haven't used Frank Sinatra and it's time.

Hell, a large chunk of the performers are probably gone, including the great Count Basie.

It's one of the most perfect things I've ever heard. The power of Basie's band with Quincy Jones conducting.

Frank Sinatra at about his coolest.

The waning days of classic Vegas at the Sands Hotel.

Run for cover!

"I'd sacrifice anything come what might for the sake of having you near..."

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