Saturday, August 31, 2024

For the Team


This person is a salesman and I'm sure he's good at it

I'm not a salesman.

You have no idea how many times I've had to say that. 

Back in my ice cream days, I serviced a collection of stores on the east side of New York State, and the company I worked for tried to get me to "upsell" a bit.

The idea was that I would go in, check their supplies, replenish and order as needed, and, perhaps, get the store to take on something more expensive.

I was terrible at that. I was good at the rest of the job.

But selling is just not me.

Cold calling? The only thing colder is my hands as the blood runs out of me at the mere thought.

That doesn't mean I can't help in the process of selling. I always thought I'd make a good "closer" in that the salesperson could get the process going, and in terms of broadcasting, I could explain how things would sound. At that point, my passion would help drive the deal. Thus, I'd be the closer.

We're under two weeks kicking off Greenwich High School football on WGCH.

Every year, we have a few sponsors that help us get the broadcasts on the air. But I know we can do better.

I also know it would help us move toward putting basketball, hockey, baseball, and lacrosse on the air.

WGCH Sports should be a machine and it's not.

And I've moaned about this every year to no avail.

I have no problem standing up for the standard we've set for 60 years.

I also have no problem standing up for how we've taken care of those who have sponsored our broadcasts.

Greenwich is a sports town. Always has been.

So we should be doing a lot of broadcasts. We should be filling up our schedule with high school games.

We should need a second broadcast team like we used to have.

But I'm way off-topic here. Back to sales. 

I have a hand in running all social media for WGCH. To that end, I see any messages that come into the Facebook account.

A local company, nationally known, messaged us to see if we wanted them as a sponsor again this year.

Um. Yes!

I went through the proper channels, knowing this is not my bailiwick. I quickly got the clearance to respond, and did so by putting the right parties in touch.

From there, it was out of my hands.

A short time later, I was being lauded by people at the station for facilitating that sale as the sponsor took a package for the 2024 season. With any luck, that will grow into more for other sports.

I take no credit for it. I did what I should do as sports director and someone willing to do anything for the good of WGCH.

I can't stress this enough. It's time for WGCH to up its sports game. 


So I'm content to play this very small role in helping us secure advertising for our coverage.

For the record, please reach out to me if you'd like to know more about WGCH sports coverage and our programming.

The sky can be the limit for our station -- a little engine that still can.

I'm telling you: radio still matters. WGCH still matters. 

And I have ideas. 


Let's make them happen.

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