Friday, August 16, 2024

Laundry in the Hood


Note: NOT my laundry room

It's laundry and mute night here.

Come on, who has it better than I do?

But seriously, Sean is working for the Renegades and I have the night off. So it was my night to get some things done around here, including laundry.

I also purged some clothes and I'm a big fan of cleaning things out.

But, at one point, I stepped outside to check the clothes in the dryer when I was struck by the weather. We're at the time of year when it's warmer and more uncomfortable inside as opposed to outside.

It's currently 73 degrees outside and closer to 80 inside. It's not bad as I sit on the couch and watch the Yankees.

However, it's gorgeous outside.

Boy does that make me miss my balcony. I haven't used my chair once this summer and I'm only making a note of that. Beyond that, it's hardly a big deal.

Let's face it, at this point, I'd need bug spray on and I'm just getting over a bout of bug bites from Rhode Island.

So, if you're keeping score, I dealt with a collection of mosquito bites and sunburn.

In other news, I'm an idiot for not putting either sunscreen or repellent on.

So it goes.

As for the Yankees game, well, they won and Aaron Judge hit his 301st home run. But former Renegade Oswald Peraza homered as well, and that will always make me smile.

Peraza was part of the early success of the 2021 team that I got to broadcast. He electrified then-Dutchess Stadium with his power explosion.

Those were wonderful times and it's funny how many of the crew from that year I still talk to say the same thing. 

As for tonight's Yankees broadcast, well, I had it on mute. I'm sure Ryan Ruocco is a nice guy.

And there was no "Hawk Tuah" girl. Oh, wait, that wasn't the Yankees.

But more to the point about tonight was how much I was enjoying the weather outside. With the laundry going around I couldn't afford to take a walk but that's the kind of night it felt like.

Sean and I have met a few of the neighbors and characters who populate this area and it's a nice group so far. The neighborhood is more flat and walkable than Bruce Park, but it was also nice to have the park nearby as well as the train station.

Plus Bruce Park Grill is across the street.

Conversely, the train station is a longer walk from here but we have pizza, a bank, a grocery store, and other businesses within a 20-minute walk.

I've been enjoying walking around and look forward to investigating more of the area. There are plenty of intriguing houses to stroll past.

I don't miss the hill on Bruce Park Ave. Or, as you know, the parking.

Though I miss having a washer and dryer in our apartment, along with an attic for our storage and, of course, the balcony.

But, as always, so it goes.

We're happy here.

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