Thursday, August 08, 2024

Focus on the Cat

He was in the middle of a meow

I was going to write about something a bit serious.

Something that's bothering me.

But, here's the thing. Hang in there with me for a moment.

I've made the mistake -- too many times -- of coming to this space to write such things. The mistake is that I write, treating this as a safe space. 

When I've needed to blow off steam.

When I just have to yell a bit.

I'm not even necessarily writing to be seen. I'm not looking for attention. It's just that I need to say it.

And people -- well-meaning, I know -- give me the ol' "everything will be fine" when I've literally asked to not receive that.

So, this time, I'm not doing it. I'm fine. All is well. If I need to write about such things, I'll do a private diary or seek therapy.

Oh, wait. I don't have nor can I afford benefits.

Shall I tell you about the latest form letter kiss-off I received? Nah. Let it go, right?

So, instead, it's International Cat Day and I'm here in Rhode Island with the Trumbull baseball families who have welcomed me as one of their own. A mom told me last night that she thinks we'll all be spending the next few summers together.

I shouldn't make vacation plans.

And it's weird to not be broadcasting every game of the tournament but it seems only Trumbull cares about if the games have coverage. That's sort of sad but I think it's just a matter of the other teams not knowing they can have coverage. Only people from Braintree, MA inquired about us.

So, yes, International Cat Day it is. I'm sure our Rascal Squeaky is back home, chilling on my bed or on my floor as the temperature has come down from the flaming numbers we've had for a few weeks.

It's quite cool actually. I'm pleased I brought a hoodie and a windbreaker. 

We are quite grateful for The Cat, who has provided us with companionship and pet therapy since joining us nearly four years ago.

Maybe I should talk about things to him.

Anyway, Trumbull plays a team from New Hampshire today at 5 p.m. They are 3-for-3 in wins of 10+ runs or more.

I need to go find some lunch before the game.

I took a ride to Newport this morning. It was crowded and too expensive to park and their bridges can bit white-knuckling. 

And that's all I have to say about that.

Mount Hope Bridge coming out of Bristol this morning

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