Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Working Tonight


Current view as I work at "his" desk

I just finished up a job which I'm happy to have done.

It was honest work on a deposition and that's a very good thing. It also allows me to believe we'll survive another month here in Presidential Suite 2.0*.

* You know, the home of father and son, with Adams as the last name.

But it was also a highly active day with plenty to think about. Lots of meetings about lots of things.

Among them is that barring anything weird, it is confirmed that my voice will be on Greenwich High School football for a 26th year. All but three of those have been on WGCH (the other two were on HAN). Of course, I only did 7-on-7 football in 2020 and that was on Robcasting. In fact, most of 2021 was on Robcasting.

But you get the idea.

Will Greenwich win their fifth state title with me as their broadcaster? OK, they also won one in 1999 but I was only a sideline reporter for a game. A very cold, in fact, frozen, sideline reporter.

But they've been to eight championship games since I started as lead announcer in 2000 and I've been on the call for all of them. 

So, again, will they win a title this year? You'll have to tune in beginning on Sep 13 to find out. I'm sure West Haven will be a delightful host.

They like me, for what it's worth.

I'll also soon tell you who will be next to me in the GHS booth this year, as the A-Team has officially split. Perhaps we'll discover The New A-Team?

Beyond that, I'm thinking about work and how to work, and how to stay above water. Sadly, it's time to consider moves that I don't want to consider, none of which I feel like stating publicly yet. So many carrots dangled and so many disappointments.

My headspace isn't the best tonight to try to talk about any of it.

So some parameters might change. That's all part of what I'm thinking about. I have committed to some stuff this fall. But it's best to not put the cart before the horse, cross that bridge when we get there, and all of those other lovely clichés.

Anyway, I don't have much more to babble about tonight.

Just lots to consider.

I was happy to work.

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