Sunday, September 01, 2024

A Timeline Cleanse


A serene cat under Sean's bed

It's been a weekend of the vultures circling.

Honestly, I don't feel like dealing with the negativity but, at the same time, I have to be real. I have to be honest with myself.

I mean, don't get me wrong. It hasn't been a bad weekend. It's just been quiet. 

Too quiet.

We've mostly taken it easy around these parts and, honestly, I'd rather be out. But I'm watching the budget.

So I've been rewatching The Beatles Get Back and I hosted "Meet the Beatles" this morning. I even began preparing for the first football broadcast.

To that end, I put my scoresheet together for Greenwich/West Haven. Now, I need rosters.

Somehow, and I say this with more shock than bragging, it's the beginning of my 26th year calling football.


They're already playing football in New York and elsewhere and, honestly, I'd like to be out calling something. I'm trying to use the time wisely (thus prepping for games now) but I'd just rather be calling a game.

I won't comment further on what is calling games. Again, I'll avoid the negativity.

But, on the bad side of this weekend's ledger, Rascal showed his "Destructorcat" side last night.

I heard a clunk and then a crash.

I got up. He ran.

A ceramic cup that belonged to my mother had crashed off the bathroom sink.

She bought it -- probably from Target or Walmart -- to keep a toothbrush in.

In reality, it was no great loss and I cleaned the damage up quickly.

It was the loss of something from my mother, combined with Rascal being somewhere he shouldn't have been, that annoyed me.

A day later, it's honestly not a big deal. Things break and we move on.

But it was a bummer.

So with that and other swirling silliness, I felt the need for something flippant on the screen.

What better than a picture of the destructive one himself?

It was four years ago this month when he entered our lives, and despite some moments of him being a knucklehead, he's been a great addition to our home.

He's part of our family, as you all know.

I know I've looked like a crazy cat man and that's certainly not my goal. 

And so, instead of getting worn down by the demons, I decided to change the narrative.

Tomorrow will also be quiet but we went shopping to create our own Labor Day gathering.

We had an invitation to a party but it would just be too far to travel on a day with heavy traffic. So we'll just stay home.

A new week -- and new opportunities (I hope) await.

The Renegades are back home and I'll be with them three more times.

A Hunt Scanlon conference is coming up.

Football will be here soon and my calendar will fill right back up.

And, at midnight tonight, I will hit 34 years in broadcasting.

I could have run away that first night and I'm glad I didn't.

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