Wednesday, April 17, 2024

It Takes Time

This is what (or who) I'm dreading moving the most

Patience is necessary.

A virtue even.

As many of you have read, we have to find a new place to live.

We don't have a definitive move date so we're not panicking. We're being proactive but that's all we can do.

We have a real estate agent sending me listings as they come up.

We're looking for (preferably) a two-bedroom place that allows a cat. In a perfect world, it has a washer/dryer and storage and a deck.

Oh, wait. That's what we had here.

And parking would be nice.

And affordable.

So far, we have found nibbles and not much sustenance. 

Clearly, we need some things to fall our way but, so far, nothing has yet.

It's been just over a week.

I look at things every day. I've spread the word among friends and here on this thing.

Remember, we got our current home out of the blue just around this time two years ago.

Actually, I was heading to London two years ago right about now and the apartment came my way just after I came back.

That was pressure. That was stressful.

I'm not feeling that this time and I'm not in any rush to feel that.

Oh, and to be clear, Sean will almost certainly be moving with me, thus "we." Overall, he has moved in with me though he's still legally at his mother's.

However, I'm also keeping an eye on any one-bedroom options with a living room that could be a bedroom. I don't love that option -- not even slightly -- but I did the same thing when I was looking around in 2022.

Then again, I thought it was going to be just me and occasionally Sean in the apartment. In the end, that was not the case. I'll leave it to you to connect the dots.

So, this post is to update you, my friends. We don't have an answer yet but it's important that we're keeping our heads about us, thus allowing us to sleep.

And I've started looking at things for the cleaning and packing process. 

We're OK. I suppose that's the message here.

But we're still looking.


Watching the lads with Yoko dead-center

We head to Beatlesland. Or Pepperland, if you will.

With the news that Let It Be (the movie) is getting a proper release (finally), I felt it was time to rewatch Get Back.

The Let It Be news is pretty great in that The Beatles once again prove that, like it or not, they won't be going away anytime soon. 

But, assuming Peter Jackson is only cleaning up and restoring the film and otherwise leaving it alone, I'll warn you that Let It Be is dark. It deals with the harsh reality of the supernova known as The Beatles is coming to an end.

Get Back, on the other hand, shows the good and the bad times of the hectic month of writing, recording, and performing the album that became known as Let It Be. There's no question the time they spend rehearsing at Twickenham Studios isn't great, though there are some pleasant moments.

Moving to Savile Row changes the mood, especially as Billy Preston comes aboard to play keyboards. There's actually plenty of laughter.

By the time the "Rooftop Concert" rolls around in Get Back, there's an obvious joy to it. First-time viewers of Let It Be likely won't be as quick to recognize the joy.

So be it. I'm fired up to see it remastered.

The more Beatles, the better for me, and the better for "Meet the Beatles," Sunday mornings at 9 on WGCH.

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