Monday, March 04, 2024

Pets Make Everything Better


(Photo courtesy POPSUGAR Pets)

I had just finished lunch when I got into my car.

If I'm being honest, I wasn't in a happy-go-lucky mood. I was sort of just staring out the car window as the car warmed up.

Then, to my left, I saw something that immediately settled my brain and even made me laugh.

A big, floppy-eared golden retriever.

He was kind of bouncing along, at least a couple of steps at a time.

He'd walk. No, wait. He'd bounce.

Then, he'd stop and look at the person walking him.


I began having a running conversation watching the scene.

"Doo do do do dooo, I need to stop."

"Um. OK. Why?"

"Because I'm a cute golden retriever and everyone wants to pet me!"

"OK. Cool. Could you maybe just do your business and let's get on with it?"

And so on.

It amused me. It made me smile.

Honestly, there aren't too many things better.

It almost made me want to run out of the parking lot, across the nearby street, and pet that head that was clearly wanting some attention.

Eventually, our furry friend reached a point where they just stopped and sat down. No business to be done. Nothing. Just a wagging tail and a need for a treat.

I drove away. Smiling 

It was a moment of zen. A moment of reminding that there are things like a golden retriever just moseying along makes the skies brighten.

If I couldn't smile at that then things would be really bad.

And, with that, I realized I could drive home to a cat that befuddles me.

But he also makes me smile.

Go find your golden retriever.

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