Saturday, May 15, 2021



There are moments when bombs are going off around you. 

You're distracted. You're stammering. You're making mistakes.

You're having a remarkable inner fight in which you're telling yourself things.

You pick your moments to take a deep breath.

Drink it all in.

You're trying too hard and you know it.

And then?


Something unleashes in your soul. 

It feels good. No, great. Your throat hurts just a little from the rising decibels. 

There's part of you that wants to break out a "trademark" call.

"It is high! It is far! It is...." No.

"You can put it on the BOOOOOOAAARRRRDDDD..." No.

"That ball is OUTTA..." No.

"SEE..." No.

No and no.

Keep it natural. Describe and react. Don't create.

I gushed about the home run itself. Heck, I wanted to watch it again. I could tell that was a different call.

I've probably watched it ten times since.

And just when you thought that was it, along comes BOOM Part Two: Electric Boogaloo.

No matter what else happens, you have those calls to think about on the ride home.

And you get to laugh when Zach Neubauer sends you an email with "khtfkkhgfkf" because he just wanted something in the subject line. It included the score graphic for the game story that I wrote.

Baseball. Shake off any imperfections and get back at it.

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