Wednesday, April 01, 2020

The "Woody Woodpecker" Show

I lost it today.

I've had enough of the selfishness and obstinance.

So, I tore into a 12:53 rant that co-starred Woody Woodpecker.
Yeah. That happened.
Why? Well because I lost my mind.

Look, for every person that says they're being smart, why are they then being so obstinate, as if "The Man" is making everyone hide? It's a pandemic. The numbers are real. A six-week old died today of COVID-19 complications.

I can't go through the outrage again here in written form, so I've posted the audio below.

I'm not hiding. I'm doing what I have to do, and I don't begrudge anyone who needs to go out and is being safe. I was out of the house far more than I was in it today -- but it was stuff I HAD to do.

It's the irresponsibility that's making me explode.

So, after being beaten down, I spoke out. I was so flustered I said "Thursday."

But, I needed to say this.

Listen to the rest of the show here.

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