Monday, November 18, 2019

Cat on a...

We inherited an adult cat named Chico a little over three years ago.

That is a story for another time.

I've had cats in my life basically my whole life, with Bandit (17 years) and Fred (11) living the longest.

Sean and I both like cats, but we're also fond of dogs. We're equal opportunity pet lovers.

Sean has a special relationship with Chico, and enjoys making picture creations on his phone of our beast of an animal. Think of it as a form of Photoshop.

He told me he had some quiet time in school when he decided to get creative.

Now, you need to know that Chico isn't the only name he's known as here. He also goes by Cheeks, Chunkies, Cheekies, Bubba, Gray, Nush (rhymes with "push") and the longer Nushiel (so named because Sean used to mush his stuffed animals when he was younger). He's also known as "Large."

And so he sent me this picture, with this caption: "You've heard of 'Elf on the Shelf.' Now get ready for..."

It took me a second -- literally.

Yes. That's "Large...on a Barge."

He cracks me up. They both do.

Note the smallest drop of milk below his mouth.

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