Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wins and Losses


The Cat enjoys the new rug

I got asked last night if I wanted to work a deposition this afternoon.

However, I had already committed to take on a Little League baseball game this evening in Orange.

So, ultimately, I had to bow out of the deposition.

But, I also had to basically sell my soul to make the Little League broadcast happen if I wanted to air it. I had to sign papers and offer my second-born.

Keep in mind, all of that for a broadcast that features no paid sponsors.

But, anyway, the game was going to air.

However, there was also a visit from the Verizon technician.

But, first, there was a WGCH staff meeting.

Don't worry, football is still in the plans. But I want more than football. Our audience deserves more. There should be hockey and basketball and baseball and softball and lacrosse.

I've begged for years. I've yelled. I've pleaded.

And that's all I can tell you.

I got a call from Verizon as the meeting went on and we got back to the place in time for the service visit. I'm happy to say that it was quick and painless and I think Brian, the technician, was gone within a half hour.

But, while he was here, I got a text that the Little League game had been postponed.


I finally had a moment to see what I have on the new version of my TV package. Sure, I've got the YES Network and The Weather Channel (the only two channels I generally care about) but I don't have either TBS or TNT! What the?

Oh, and I don't have SNY. But...but...but how will I ever watch Gare, Keith, and Ron?

Anyway, I'll figure that stuff out eventually.

So it was time to reassess the day. If you're keeping track, I had lost work due to a game but had now lost the game. Also, due to a Red Sox game airing on WGCH, there would be no "Doubleheader."

I have thoughts on that also, but let's stay on topic here.

We decided we would take a walk and get haircuts. Sean definitely needed one and I sort of wanted to get cleaned up. We now have a barber shop just down the street, so we enjoyed the short walk, taking in the sites of our new neighborhood.

Within minutes, we were both freshly shorn. I asked him to shorten things up. It sort of felt like he dug in and I was quite short-haired by the time it was over. I told myself it was just hair (and just money).

We walked back home and decided it was time to go to Ikea in New Jersey for some home needs.

A shower mat. A kitchen mat. A rug. A desk for Sean. A nightstand for me. A garbage can. Nothing too major.

Satisfied, we left, packed our goods, and went to nearby Wawa for dinner before stopping at Paramus Park Mall to take a walk.

I used to go there in the late 70s and 80s but hadn't been back in over a decade. It's obviously changed a lot but there's a Stew Leonard's there now where the Sears used to be. We grabbed milk and orange juice and made our way back to the car.

From there, it was the travails of New Jersey to Connecticut. If you know, then you know the drill. We got home, unpacked, and set about the balance of the night.

You can probably see the collection of pluses and minuses in the day.

The loss of income and the loss of a broadcast are probably the obvious negatives.

But the time together and getting some things done are positives.

One last thing. The nightstand I bought was in the wrong spot and I bought a smaller one. It's a loss in that it's the wrong one but I figure I'll find a use for it.

We can add this awful baseball game I'm watching tonight to the ledger I suppose. Look, losing to the Mets is never fun when you're a Yankees fan but the truth is they're four games out of 162. It's listening to the other side squawk that makes you roll your eyes but, in the long run, it's October that counts. It's the next game that counts.

That's why I generally can't stand the Subway Series nonsense. It's just ... dumb.

The Yankees trotted out a terrible lineup. They're getting what they deserve.

My concern is with a porous bullpen, a lineup that has two legit threats, and an offense that can't hit with runners in scoring position. Other than that? No biggie.

So I don't care about who they're losing to. I just care that they're losing.

Oh, and ESPN's broadcast is ... it's better to not say. But I'll tell you right now that I can think of someone who would be better.

But the interviews are unnecessary and the announcing is ... I like David Cone. There. I said something positive.

Anyway, this is a babbling post about the good and bad of a day in the life.

And we'll just move on to tomorrow.

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