Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Thinking Forwards and Backwards


L-R: My mother's mother, my mother, and father
picnicking in the 1950s

In the midst of address changes and other minutiae of the day, I found myself talking about July 4 on "Doubleheader."

It's always been a favorite day of mine, harkening back to years of great BBQs and gatherings with cousins, friends, and other loved ones.

Oh, do I long for the days of Wiffle ball games, softball, kickball, badminton, volleyball, and even the occasional football game. Or just riding bicycles around the neighborhood. Oh, I know, fireworks were supposed to be the highlight but it was the games, burgers, dogs, and ice cream that stood out to me.

Plus Dave Righetti's no-hitter in 1983 against the Red Sox.

Those were good days. Days like July 4 and Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Plus everyone seemed to get along.

Happy days, indeed.

Oh, and for what it's worth, despite the division and moaning about this country, I'll still take this as my home. 


Settling in will continue to be a day-to-day thing. In breaking news, we can all rest easy knowing that the Verizon remote controls were found.

Where, you ask? Do you need me to further enhance the notion that I'm a senile clown?

OK, well, they were in the very bag that I brought all of the Verizon equipment in. Then I took them out as I assembled things on Monday. I put them on a shelf out of site as I tried setting up.

And that's where they stayed until I discovered them this morning.

So, yay, except the TV still doesn't work. A call to Verizon will happen eventually.

Beyond that, I moved some things around, beginning to put the living room in a certain amount of how I wanted it to go. I also got the kitchen to the point where I could eat both breakfast and lunch at the table.

And  -- wait! There's more! -- we took the remainder of the Bruce Park items that we picked up last night and took them to the Holly Hill facility (aka "the dump). With an assist from the staff there, we stopped at the proper places to leave old appliances and other things. 

Including a cat tower. Destructocat finally killed it.

We're considering starting a GoFundMe for a new one.

But, seriously, that's an achievement. There were things that had been sitting for years and, with an assist, we were able to go to Holly Hill and take care of it.

Otherwise, tonight is a night to just lay low. Last night opened my eyes to not push it so I'm sitting in my room watching the (moribund) Yankees play the Reds.

I've never forgiven the Reds for 1976 though I've mostly gotten over it.

Probably best to not get me started. Not only do the Yankees stink right now but MLB just continues to prove it needs new leadership that understands the fans as well as the players. I realize jerseys are a whole aesthetic that some don't care about but others do. 

Including me.

In a sport where it's nice and easy to have players wear their own uniforms for the Midsummer Classic, MLB and the overlords at Nike in their infinite wisdom (and pursuit of the almighty dollar) push these abominations on us.


Back to the Renegades tomorrow.

Lots of fireworks to be had.


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