Monday, July 01, 2024

Moving Out

(After using a Taylor Swift reference yesterday, Sean chided me for not going with Billy Joe. "It's right there," he said. Even though I've used it before, I'll use it again.)

Four in the morning.

Not for a conference. Not for vacation.

But after anxiousness and impatience climbing out of my skin, it was finally time to move.

I thought maybe I'd get up at 4:30 and start breaking down the last of what was left. But my body had other plans.

Then Rascal decided he wanted to eat. Sleep was over.

I was under the impression that the keys -- the infamous, blasted keys -- were waiting for me in what would soon be my mailbox.

So I pulled some things together and decided I would go investigate. Honestly, I wanted to do it last night but I followed the (apparent) rules of the situation.

And so I walked in at 5 a.m. The keys were indeed in the box and the door was unlocked. I must note that the place was not painted and/or cleaned, despite being told myriad times that it would be a hangup.

I also set about bringing the things that were in my car.

Then I went home where Sean was still asleep.

But Kris and Danny, and eventually Steven and Ethan, would be down to round out our moving team.

We were officially off and running a little after 7. It took three loads in Kris's trailer, plus three vehicles.

They all left around 5. It was painful and sweaty and grueling and all of the things that moving is. 

But it's over.

Mission accomplished, and we couldn't be more grateful.

There was, however, one more thing to get. Poor Rascal. He was terrified, mostly hiding in my closet all day.

Trying to settle into his new home.

Now, before any pet lovers overreact, he has emerged here and is investigating things. He jumped up on my bed at one point, which was a very normal sign.

We're on the right path.

There are still a few things back in Bruce Park, plus we need to turn the keys in, but we'll go back tomorrow and clean that all up.

And there's absolutely no question there's a lot to do. For one, the internet isn't working so I'll have to call Verizon tomorrow and hope to avoid a visit.

With a hopefully pleasant night of sleep ahead, I'm hoping some of the pain I'm in will fade. While I was vigilant about hydrating all day, I had a really hard time with cramps later on. I felt it in my arms and legs and I wasn't a fan.

And my back, as expected. Ouch.

But I stayed aggressive, eventually getting some Gatorade and I'm looking forward to settling down soon.

Once the laundry is done.

Many thanks to everyone for the kind comments and support throughout this process. I was touched by the reaction to my picture with the keys from this morning.

I could do without the number of spam accounts that tried to lure me into whatever but so it goes.

Gideon Fountain -- realtor and radio station boos -- will forever be a hero to me for his assistance through this process. I can't recommend him enough.

Kris, Danny, Ethan, Steven, and Sean (of course) were all rock stars in what was a long day of packing, moving, and maneuvering.

We're in our new home. 

Long may we stay.

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