Thursday, July 25, 2024

On Being Proud and Keeping Busy


The haircut boys from yesterday

The team I have stood behind since (at least) 1972 had a pretty rough week.

I mean, two losses to ... them.

And yet, I sit here in a navy blue polo with a white interlocking NY on the front.

That's a thing for me. When they get eliminated at the end of the year, wear the colors. When they win, wear them.

It's about loyalty and pride.

Oh, no, I'm not proud of a lineup that would have made 1967 snicker (a 72-90-1 record) but so it goes. 

And I know people are trying to get at me. Mr. Toxic is doing his "I'm such a positive person" best. And then there's our friend at Town Hall. Yeah. Him too.

Dumb and Dumber, I suppose, or something along those lines.

But as much as I love it, it's still just baseball. It's not life and death and, in reality, they are two meaningless games in the middle of July.

Yes, the Mets swept all four. Now, tell me the truth. Come October, if the Yankees are somehow in a dog pile celebrating a World Series win, do you think anyone will care about losing four games to the Mets?

Only Mets fans will care.

Don't worry. I've seen and heard most of it today.

Enjoy your World Series. I'll hope for the true one in October.

Even if it's a far-fetched fantasy.


So I'm heading up to ... Boston? Vermont? Maine?

No. Simsbury. A lovely town and hopefully a lovely place to broadcast from tonight.

After last night's Little League baseball game was scuttled, a new site was apparently needed. Thus, it's Simsbury, and I'll be heading up there shortly (it's the early afternoon as I write). South Windsor and Trumbull are the teams and 8:00 is the game time. 

Fingers crossed for good weather. We know there won't be good traffic as there really never is in Connecticut.

But it's always good to get back under the headset and I'm pleased to do so. It's especially gratifying when I hear that people are excited to have the broadcast to listen to. I hope people settle in, "pull up a chair" as a wise man once said, and enjoy some baseball tonight.

This is how the grind continues. People want the broadcasts and I'm happy to do what I can. Heck, someone just messaged me about doing a regional in Rhode Island. Nobody has asked and I don't have anywhere to stay so it's not likely but I appreciate that people like the coverage.


Ignore the garbage bag

Back here in the neighborhood, I have a few things to do before heading to Simsbury. My MacBook Air is done and waiting for me at the Apple store. I'm hoping that resolves the USB issue that has been hovering for some time, and actually began a problem during the Cal Ripken tournament. I have backups aplenty ready if needed.

We also got some things cleaned out and most of my decorating is finally done. Things have been hung up and we have a place that feels like it's ours. I still have some bags of audio equipment in the living room that I have to go through but there's not a huge rush on that. 

There's still also the bookshelf to fill up and that will happen soon. From there, let's be honest, it becomes a frequently evolving process. 

But I'm also pleased with getting the hall cleaned between the living room and the kitchen. It had boxes that needed to be recycled and empty bins that could go in the basement and other things that just needed to be cleaned up. 

At this point, there is a garbage bag filled with recyclables.

I call that a victory.

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