Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Blood, Sweat, and Tears...But Mostly Sweat


Water...seltzer...anything to stay hydrated

I walked into WGCH today and stopped to chat with two of my colleagues.

"You look like you've lost weight," one of them said.

I'm never comfortable with weight talk though I'm hardly immune to it. There's no question I've struggled, especially over the last few years post-COVID. We can downplay what happened, the shots, the masks, etc, but there was a mental, emotional, and physical impact that can't be ignored.

And that's where I come in. There was food during the many lows of that time.

But if I've shed some weight recently, that would be good.

The reason? Well, frankly, I've had sweat falling off of me every day.

And it really started on July 1.

We had warm days before 7/1/24 but that was the day that we moved to the new apartment.

Even if it wasn't a hot day, we were constantly in motion. I was at it, as you might remember, from waking up at 4 a.m. until later that night.

The days began getting hotter from there. Things went from the low to mid-80s to the high 90s with real feel temperatures over 100.

And each day, whether I was moving things, packing things, hanging things, lifting things, or broadcasting things, I was sweating. I normally had a towel next to me so that I could mop off and looked forward to any moment I could get in air conditioning.

Sean -- who prefers the cold weather -- would grumble at me about how I could possibly like warmer days.

In truth, I'll always take Fall and Spring first, then Summer. 

I like Winter sports. I don't like Winter weather.

I suppose I'd like it just fine if I was in Florida.

It's been 30 days of activity. Constant moving and shaking. 

And so, while I don't like discussing weight, that's what has been going on.

The move, obviously, started it. Then we had to go into the basement and reorganize our stuff.

Then there were over 30 baseball games of setup and breakdown and walking to and from the broadcast site. Plus, of course, was the broadcasts themselves.

There were multiple missed meals, though they kept me well-fed in Oxford during the Cal Ripken tourney.

There was walking to and from trains in Greenwich and Brooklyn on Sunday.

And there have been multiple trips back into the basement to drop things off and bring things out. Plus, lots of walks to the garbage can as well as back into the basement for laundry.

Certainly, it has been exercise with a touch of diet. However, let's not ignore the mental exercises of the month, from calling games to everyone's good old friend, stress.

But it's also been a hot month where simply sitting and watching TV, sans air conditioning, could produce droplets running down my face.

I get embarrassed by all of this for a few reasons, including sweat being part gross and part "TMI."

But it is what it is. Most people do it, though some do it more than others.

I keep joking with myself that I'll stop sweating on Aug 1 though I hardly think that's true.

And, given I'm working for the Renegades tomorrow for a game starting at Noon, I think I'll achieve 31-for-31 sweaty days.

I'll still take this over winter weather. I mean, really. I don't miss the cold and the snow and the ice. 

So, yes, I'll take sweat and staying active, thanks very much.

A few quickies before we wrap this one up:

- I've been asked to serve as field host for the first time at a Renegades game. If you want to see me do something completely outside of the box, come out to the stadium on Saturday. I'm only sorry that Sean won't be there to see it. It will mean embracing a different side of my personality. My goal isn't to be better than anyone else. My goal is to be a viable option if needed. And to not embarrass myself or the team.

- A trip to Rhode Island is completely in play for the Little League Regional beginning this weekend. I'm figuring out how to navigate the issues I presented about teaching and The Cat. I'm trying to make it all work, but...

- I'm having car work done on Thursday so that I can pass the emissions test in Connecticut so a lot hinges on that.

Stay tuned, as always.

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