Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Around the House


I was home today and I can't remember the last time that I could say that.

I mean, we never left, except to do things in the basement.

There was plenty down there, beginning with laundry this morning and ending with some cleaning and organizing of stuff.

But in between was a lot of decorating with a lot more to go.

In that process, an apartment begins to feel more like home.

I'm also writing from my couch, which hasn't happened since we moved. The couch was buried among stuff since July 1 but I finally freed most of that.

The kitchen is coming along also, and we've reached a point where most things have been put where they belong.

Pictures were hung up and knickknacks were put in place to begin to give our home some character.

It was important to get certain pictures up, including those with my parents in them. 

Hector in his "modeling pose" on the right

OK, it was also important to put up the autographed picture that Hector gave to my mother that I've held onto. Don't ask why. If you know Hector, you'll get it.

I'm working hard to use the existing nail holes left by prior tenants, as opposed to opening new holes. So far it has worked out pretty well.

Eventually, I had to get back on the phone with my friends at Verizon, as we still don't have actual TV service. To watch the TV that I pay for, I have to use my phone or iPad. 

I spent over an hour on the phone with a Verizon rep who had me unplug, disconnect, turn on, turn off, and press buttons until asking me to walk down to the basement. It was down there that we discovered a cable had been disconnected.

Yup. A service call has been placed for tomorrow.

But tomorrow is also the day for the WGCH staff meeting. Of the greatest concern to me is football broadcasts. Oh, I have other concerns, but it starts there.

So, as usual, it will be a day of juggling.

There are still potential game broadcasts as well but nothing is in place yet.

So, for now, I'll continue to move forward with more decorating and continuing to move forward. Shockingly, August is next week and, sadly, fall isn't far behind.

Time has a funny way of marching on.

Sean will be going away and, well, we'll see what I do.

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