Monday, July 29, 2024

A Quiet Night


Sean had a friend here when I got home today. 

It was one of the guys who helped us move nearly a month ago and he was here to learn the ins and outs of audio editing and production. Sean took him over to WGCH and they were having lunch when I walked in.

We made our way down to the basement where I showed them some of the mixers I have in my collection. At this point, I really only use my Rodecaster and Zoom PodTrak P4. I also have access to a Zoom PodTrak P8 at WGCH if needed.

Additionally, I still have an Allen & Heath ZEDi 10 that I could use, even though I never mastered how to get the best out of it. It turned out to be a wasted purchase, unfortunately.

So, the point is that I have plenty of equipment, and I'd like to hand some off to people who I think would use it. In the case of Sean's friend, I was happy to give it to him, especially as a thank you for helping us move on July 1. He was really clutch that day.

The transaction comes with a guarantee of answering questions and helping him learn how to use it.

All for no charge. As in, paying it forward.

Otherwise, it's just a very pleasant night here. Earlier today, I stopped at the dry cleaner downstairs and picked up a few items I dropped off. They needed to be repaired and I enjoyed getting to meet the people who run a business in our new neighborhood.

I haven't met everyone around here but I intend to still walk to the other places and get comfortable with them.

But I was asked at the dry cleaners today how we liked the neighborhood.

And that's just the thing. A big advantage here has been the neighborhood. The car horns are mostly gone. Even living so close to the hospital, we don't hear that many sirens. We hear some dogs, some kids, and occasional traffic. 

Otherwise, things are fairly peaceful here.

In fact, my bedroom is quieter. I haven't used my AirPods much since we moved in, though I've let Alexa play some peaceful sounds to help me sleep. But noise is not an issue.

Even though our driveway is shared with the dry cleaner, another family, and a few other cars, noise is minimal here. As I sit here right now, I'm just watching the Yankees/Phillies game (Yankees lead 9-4) and Sean is upstairs. A fan is buzzing here and I hear an occasional car go by.

It's amazing how moving just a little bit almost puts us back into the country. As I said, we're not alone here. It's not a dead end. We have a street behind us and there are houses back there as well. 

So we're surrounded but it's just quiet.

Oh, that doesn't mean I'm glad we left Bruce Park. We loved it down there but I will shed no tears over the change in noise and parking situations.

But, when my schedule allows, it will be nice to put my feet up and read or just listen to some music. We don't have a deck and I miss that greatly but we do have space where we can sit in the backyard. I have yet to take advantage of this but I hope to eventually.

It's a nice feeling to not be overthinking about things. I'm just able to write, watch baseball, and lay low tonight.

I should try this more often.

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