Sunday, July 14, 2024

I Appreciate the Kind Words


Photo by Brett Conner

We've made it through two days of pool play at the Cal Ripken regional at Oxford. These are the days that have four days each over three days. There are games at all hours throughout the day and in whatever weather.

Today, it was hot. It will only get worse tomorrow. Fortunately, I have an umbrella over me so I'm surviving. But I'm also overheating.

More to the point, so is some of the equipment. As we knew, the booth was overloaded with people and there would simply be no room for me.

Oh, but they're treating me amazingly well.

Need a water? Done.

Sandwich? Done.

And, for what it's worth, I get yelled at when I say no.

In short, I'm thrilled that everyone is happy with what I'm bringing to the tournament. Different audiences have different reactions. 

For instance, I'd rather forget lacrosse in New Jersey in June.

But, apparently, Robcasting is huge in Bethel, Oxford, and West Hartford, CT, and Winchester, MA.

Among other places, I hope.

I've debated how to address the compliment I received from a Winchester, MA parent today. 

I truly appreciate what people say. But I also feel unworthy and awkward about them. Like, who am I? I'm just a guy who talks.

But I've received raves and thank yous for doing these broadcasts. Well, I'm doing my best, and that's all I can do.

But the Winchester dad stood out because he came up to the booth to find me and say hello.

He gushed.

"Dude, you're awesome. I was listening to my son's game in Boston yesterday and it was like listening to WEEI."

It's sort of all I hope for. I want families to enjoy the broadcasts and the kids to savor them. I suppose that should be on business cards if I ever make them.

Beyond that, they're kind words that galvanize me. It keeps me going, especially when sweat is pouring off, and I think I sound like a stumbling foo. It tells me people like what we're doing and they want more. It's pretty great to know that the audience likely expects the broadcast to be terrible and they hopefully get a nice surprise.

Yet, it's not like I think the Yankees are randomly going to ask me to come work there. 

The words help. No question. 

But when today was over, I packed up and came home. Things were the same as always.

There was laundry to be done.

There will be five games remaining in the tournament after tomorrow, and it's supposed to be in the mid-90s.

Think good thoughts for me.

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