Saturday, July 13, 2024

Day One of Regionals


Making it work

Time is extremely short tonight.

I thought I'd have four games called from the Cal Ripken 11U regional in Oxford and be home hours ago.


And lots of it.

But we're fortunate in that the field drains extremely well so, after a delay of nearly five hours, the first pitch was thrown at 1:40 this afternoon.

Every pitch of all four games was thrown. And each one was described on Robcasting from the setup you see.

I needed the pod -- with just enough space -- to keep the rain off of the equipment.

Tomorrow, I might not use the pod because Oxford Babe Ruth put up that umbrella for me.

They really looked out for me, getting me drinks and food all day. It was like I became part of the family.

Still, their team lost tonight, and that always puts me in an awkward spot. I can't cheer for anyone and I have to report. So while I feel bad reporting Oxford losing to Easton, MA, I still have a job to do.

In the end, while they were disappointed in the game result, nobody seemed bothered by me.

Four more games await tomorrow and, after a 16-hour day, I'll get some rest.

Thus, I'm keeping the post short.

Tomorrow, I hope, will be more like today was supposed to be and I'll have dinner at home.

There was other news today. Big news. National news. Worldwide news.

Too many people have already had something to say about it.

I have nothing to add.

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