Tuesday, July 02, 2024

The Wall


I don't need no frustrating evenings

This was bound to happen.

I'm sunburned and have pain in my calves, back, and now my neck. A stiff neck is not exactly what I needed.

But I have an engine that doesn't shut down easily. I'm more likely to pace or occupy myself in other ways instead of just stopping.

So after a day of being on the phone with Verizon for internet service (partially resolved), going to Walmart for a few needs (a new bat mat, etc), hosting "Doubleheader," going back to Bruce Park to clean and pack up things to take the dump, and a trip to Home Depot, I returned to the new digs.

Sean went upstairs. I went to the kitchen and started unpacking.

And eventually, I slammed into the wall.

I was trying to hang something up and it didn't go well.

I felt like I was running out of cabinets for what I was putting away.

I was just, generally, burned out.

On the plus side, the cat is adjusting well and is currently at my feet as I type.

But the rage that began to build in me was vintage Robert Sr. At that point it's definitely time to stop.

Let me not portray to you that my father was a violent man. He was not. But he got frustrated and his volume would get elevated.

I was getting there.

I suppose some of this was sitting in me all day, going back to the Verizon call.

Verizon was quite helpful during the moving process and assured me that it would simply take plugging my current equipment in to get online.

Internet, for the record, isn't the end all but it's enormously important for what I do. I used my cell phone data to post last night's post.

But I need it to work from home.

Anyway, I plugged in and hoped for the best. I saw promising signs but, well, it didn't work.

So I called this morning. It took a while and I was passed through a few different people.

The internet now works and that's exactly how I'm writing tonight.

But the TV isn't working, in part because we can't...find...the remote... controls.

Yup. That.

So I was patient. Even if I now appear to have not been. I've poured through bags and boxes and it just has not turned up.

Is it here? Yes. I'm positive of that.

Will I find it? I'm certain I will eventually.

And so I have to just keep grinding and stay calm.

And recognize when I've pushed myself too hard.

Like tonight.

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