Monday, October 05, 2020

I Didn't Want a Case of the Mondays


We might both stay in bed tomorrow

I'm in a mood.

It's not a good one.

I found myself with another day of complete peace and, in truth, I didn't want or need it. I thought I did need it (and wanted it) but I really didn't.

Instead I wanted more baseball or something else to call. I felt lost.

I felt further lost when I returned my mother's cell phone. I took it to UPS and, in a quick swipe, it was gone. He data, phone number, and everything. Just poof.

It bothered me.

I thought going to the deli where she got her beloved egg and cheese sandwich on dialysis days would help.


The sandwich was fine. The staff at the deli are really nice. But it's bittersweet to go there.

So I went shopping. I ran into the grocery store (this one still has the dopey arrows that everyone ignores while the other one scraped the arrows off). I went to the Ocean State Job Lot that many in my town have condemned for one reason or another.

I like it. It's clean and most things are reasonable or even cheap.

Then, thanks to construction in "downtown" Mahopac (yeah, we actually have traffic backups), I hit the backroads of town and made my way back home.

I cleaned the garage.

I mowed part of the lawn.

The next door neighbor caught me in the yard to express his sadness. He's lived next to my mom for 45 years so it was appreciated.

It's still tough though.

I did stuff around the house. I kept busy as I've been doing.

I dealt with mail and the bills.

Then I turned the equipment on for "Doubleheader" and that, frankly, did not go well.

After a weekend in which we were nitpicked for everything ("Turn the camera," "Can you put the scoreboard in the shot?," " We can't see the bases," "The shot is out of focus," "We can't hear anything") I simply couldn't take reading about sound issues on Facebook Live with the show.

"Doubleheader" is a radio show. I added Facebook Live to grow the audience and, right now, I'm considering canceling that. The Facebook Live feed just seems to create grief.

Then again, I'm pondering canceling "Doubleheader" in total. I was told not to, of course.

There's a deeper gripe there that includes frustration with the status of sports on the radio that ISN'T Robcasting but I'll keep it to myself. I'll add that Greenwich 7-on-7 football will not be heard on WGCH.

We did every hockey, basketball, football, and baseball game when I first got there. Plus more. The community -- sports, news, meetings, everything -- was a priority.

I watch Mike Hirn and other broadcasting friends around the country and their dance cards are full. They're calling games.

Beyond that, let's say that I understand the business of radio and sports media and leave it at that.

I'll add that it's nice to be wanted but it's also nice to be able to pay my bills.

With that, I've probably said more than I should.

I also missed a topic I wanted to discuss today on the show, in part because I got rattled by the collection of technical crap that I dealt with.

I'm going to get ready to watch the Yankees.

I'd suggest keeping me away from a keyboard.

Oh, that's right. I'm alone.

(save for the cat)

And I'm a little tired of that.

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