Thursday, October 08, 2020

Fourteen Bucks Poorly Spent


These are outstanding

Full disclosure: This is my fault.

I love Wegmans (that part isn't a fault).

I've stopped there since they've opened in the area a few times (once I got past the guilt of going there without Mom, knowing how much she wanted to visit) and they're great for all kinds of things.

They're prepared foods are outstanding, if perhaps a little pricey. But that's understandable when it's a quality product.

I went in there last night for some dry cat food. Our hero, Sir Rascal Binks (Binx?) Squeaky, esq. had run out.

I got him a nice big bag and a few cans of wet food also.

Given it was a night for "The Clubhouse" (on WGCH, Robcasting, and around the world via Sports Byline and SiriusXM) I thought I'd treat myself to pizza and perhaps an adult beverage.

I elected to not get beverages because, especially in grocery stores, there's an inherent feeling that you're doing something bad.

"CAN I GET A KEY?!?" rings out so often. Plus I can never find trusty Iron City from Pittsburgh which (at one time) all Steelers fans drank!

(No, seriously. It's really difficult to find.)

I just wanted to do my shopping and head out, so I passed. But I didn't pass on pizza, normally a staple of "The Clubhouse" when filmed in front of a live studio audience in Mount Kisco at Grand Prix NY.

Alas, we're on our own in these COVID days, and our "face to face" means seeing each other on Zoom.

I was going to reach for one of Wegmans calzones (they're really good) but the pizza did grab my eye.

"'Clubhouse' tradition," I thought.

This time, I had to get fancy. I just had to get buffalo chicken, which we often get at Grand Prix NY.

But one thing to know about me: I don't do blue cheese. When I get wings, I eat the wings basically as is. No blue cheese. No ranch.

The base of this pizza -- instead of any kind of sauce -- seemed to be blue cheese and I had no idea.

My fault. Buyer beware.

I thought I was treating myself to a quality pizza for 14 dollars (please note it was considered a medium pizza) and I'm sure people who love blue cheese would have been thrilled.

The crust, the chicken, the mozzarella -- all good!.

But I just couldn't get past the blue cheese. Totally on me. I didn't read the ingredients.

I'm still a Wegmans fan and they've been a phenomenal addition to Harrison, NY. It's an easy stop off 287, 684 and the Hutch. Perfect for me going to and from Greenwich and other destinations.

But I goofed on this one. I ate one full slice, took a bite of a second, and the pizza met its demise at that point.

Not your fault, Wegmans. Great product for those who like that.

My mistake. Back to cheese pizzas and calzones and other great things that you make.

Oh, and those buffalo style pretzel pieces!

But I'll stay away from the buffalo chicken pizza.

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