Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Give Me Silence or Give Me Death


I know I've used this picture before but it still applies

Baseball is on again and it's not going well for the Yankees.

The current other option on TV is...well...there are other things to watch.

There aren't many times that I will actually admit to being smart, but this is one time.

A week or two ago (I don't even know when it was), the two candidates for president met in a debate in Ohio. I saw a few things later on and generally heard how we're doomed as a nation.

Blissfully I watched none of it.

I bring that up because I also will not be watching the vice presidential debate tonight either.

No Chris Wallace for me. Or Britt Hume or whatever.

You could plunk Edward R. Murrow out of the ashes from his parkland in Pawling, NY and I still wouldn't watch.

You could tell me there would be a Wendell Willkie sighting and I'd pass (I never understood the Wilkie reference in a Bugs Bunny cartoon until I was older).

What's going to change?

I'll stick with baseball or the WNBA (oh, wait, they finished last night) or whatever.

I'm not going to learn anything and there's enough to suggest we're doomed anyway, so why subject myself to that?

The shame of it is that I used to love it. While a complete novice, I still love presidential history. I have an affection for the American political process. 

I guess hanging chads were the beginning of the end for me, followed by each subsequent election that further darkened my take on it.

Now it's all just a reality show and a really bad one.

That's not to tip my hand on how I'm voting.

If I vote.

I had a different tale lined up for tonight but I want the proper time and energy to present it to you.

I finished up "The Clubhouse" an hour ago (the audio is below).

I'm going to watch "Real Housewives of the Australian Outback" (is that a thing or can we make it a thing?).

Or just watch the Yankees get beaten up by the Rays.

That's a whole different topic.

Enjoy the debate if that's your thing.

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