Saturday, October 17, 2020

Greenwich Football, 2020


Seniors and their families line up at Greenwich

The crowd was small.

There was minimal contact on the field and off.

The press box was mostly empty, except for me.

But it was sanctioned and official and appreciated.

It was 7-on-7 football at Greenwich High School, and I called it on Robcasting.

If nothing else (selfishly), I can say I got one Greenwich football broadcast in for the 22nd consecutive year.

I was asked to serve as the public address announcer for the senior salute as well and it was my honor to be the voice behind that.

There weren't many people there, and I'm sure my audience was small (for some reason, Local Live didn't even pick up the audio) but I received thank you's from people for being there.

Some liked hearing "a professional" announce everything, while others appreciated "a sense of normalcy."

If I could bring even a small measure of joy to people, I was happy to do so. But it's everyone else who serves as the stars of the day.

It was different -- no doubt. I wore a mask the whole time I was there and worked solo in an empty booth but it was otherwise the same broadcast you'd always get, except it was only EXCLUSIVELY! on Robcasting.

I showed up. I called it. I improvised. I finished.

I did what I said I'd do.

And it's now posted online.

And now I'm going home.

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