Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Those Who Can't, Teach

I'm getting this post in under the deadline before midnight, so time is tight if I want to do a post-per-day.

I was back teaching at Connecticut School of Broadcasting this evening, where I'm the night instructor for sports reporting, play-by-pay, and so on.

It was one of the largest classes I've had in a long time -- and that stretches now some 14 years.

I worried. But I always do.

There are those who don't like sports, have no interest in sports, are intimidated by sports, or are flat-out sports haters.

There are myriad personalities to address.

I thought for sure this group might push me to the limit.

I didn't think I was reaching them.

I didn't think I inspired them.

Yet they reminded me why I love to teach.

I worked with the esteemed Andy Madison of WEBE 108, who has become a favorite to work with, as we share the same passion for war stories, music, sports, and laughter.

As for the group, those who were completely perplexed by writing sports found their voice. I've been known, in a pinch, to write their reports for them. In this case, they all made sure they did it, with one girl telling me that she wanted (paraphrasing) a nudge to get on the right path and then she would write it.

Not only did she write it, but voiced it. So did the other students.

It was one of the best groups I've dealt with. They were fun and challenging, with great voices and deliveries. Their performances were terrific.

They took the coaching and criticizing (aka "nitpicking") that Andy and I had to offer.

I taught them how to conduct interviews, and had barely scratched the surface, only brushing the top of play-by-play.

They walked out feeling entertained and that they had learned a new skill. Once they got past the notion of it being about sports, they realized it was something useful.

It was a joy, and I'm pleased that I'll be back with them again in February.

I was proud of them.

I was proud of me.

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