Thursday, January 31, 2019

About Last Night

So with yesterday being Bell Let's Talk day, I decided to open the conversation about mental health by discussing some of what rolls around in my own head.

It was a ledge that I was very nervous about, and actually talked myself out of posting it at one point, before I got a vote of confidence.

Yet unless those conversations were with crickets, the reaction was otherwise a large thud.

That's not to say that I didn't hear from a few people, and I'm grateful.

But I guess I thought there would be more of a reaction.

More of a discussion.

I asked for help. I bled a bit last night.

I didn't want pity, though I certainly want answers.

But I hoped for some sharing.

As writers (and broadcasters), we have no perfect formula for what strikes a nerve.

I've written things that I thought would unquestionably hit the mark. I've pressed the "publish" button and metaphorically buckled up.

Then nothing.

Conversely, I've posted things that I thought were just sort of no big deal, and watched it blow up.

I worked my way through stages today. Befuddled, down, resigned.

Had I written this a few hours ago, the theme would have been different. Maybe angrier.

Now I'm just, well, disappointed. Or maybe astoundedd

I wrote more words about this than I expected to tonight.

I thought we were ready to have a conversation.

I was wrong.

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