Sunday, February 19, 2023

Scattered Pictures


(Photo: Sean Adams)

It's quiet around here.

Too quiet.

In fact, it was a low-key weekend. I took Sean over to WGCH as he continues to get comfortable being a board-op but, in truth, he doesn't need me there. He's off and running with a show that is very easy to handle. It's a perfect training ground.

I took him over because I was parked behind him in the driveway and we could run a few errands. One of them included picking up a few picture frames. For one, I needed to replace the frame that holds the photograph of Sean, me, and Mom taken at my niece's wedding in 2020. It is treasured by both of us but the cat knocked it off my wall and broke the frame.

We also got frames for photos Sean took as he was practicing for his college photography class. One was of me dressed as Elton John while the other was a picture he took of our bratty cat that he gave me for my birthday.

Lastly, Sean took a picture of a Wawa in New Jersey for a class project.

I was proud to frame and hang each of these.

Some of Sean's photos: a bratty cat and me as 
Elton John

In the meantime, the FCIAC girls basketball quarterfinals raged on at Staples high School. I wasn't booked to work it, nor was I set to be on an emotional Greenwich/Fairfield hockey game in Bridgeport that included an emotional ceremony to honor the late Charlie Capalbo. The Fairfield goalie waged a five-year battle against pediatric leukemia before dying in Apr 2022.

Each event had a broadcast but I still felt like either Robcasting or WGCH could have added something to things. But that's just the thing. Where do you draw the line of doing something for the fun of it?

Either way, I was home.

Today was equally low-key. We ran to Walmart because we needed some things around the house and, let's face it, the price is right there.

But I knew what we were getting into. Walmart. Norwalk (though I'm not sure the location matters). Sunday afternoon.

True to form, we hit some traffic around Darien on 95 and the Walmart parking lot was the usual chaotic mess.

Precious pictures of my parents

What is it about Walmart? Look, I'm not here to bust on anyone working at the store. I have no issues. But, those shopping there are always such a fascinating and frequently mocked cross-section of characters.

There have been groups on social media dedicated to such delights. 

Let's be honest, it's never boring. 

I didn't see anything that jumped out at me today. Just the usual slow-walkers and aisle hogs and things like that. General cluelessness, I suppose, but nothing that will fill this post.

In fact, we grabbed a few things, checked out, and left.

Lunch followed, with Sean experiencing Shake Shack for the first time. It was his call and, given his birthday is this week, it seemed like the thing to do.

Here's what I think we both concluded. It's good but it's also pricey and I would yearn for it again for months. If I ever yearn for it at all. But it's still good.

Oh, his birthday. He's the star. It's his day. It's his time. But there is something about it this year that I want to write about and I'll try to find the right way to do so without taking anything away from him.

And a postscript about the picture frames. I was awake early this morning when I noticed the cat was on my nightstand. He raised up on his hind legs and began tapping the newly-framed picture of me/Elton John.

The picture has survived.

For now.

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