Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Not The "State" That I'm In


And so we have a post in which Rob dangerously sticks his toe into politics.

I realize I should be watching it. You know, it's quality TV featuring a kindly mature gentleman, his younger friend, and a large collection of idiots.

A comedy is what it is! It could have been created by Norman Lear. Come on, think about it! "All in the Family" and "Maude" and "The Jeffersons." Classics, one and all.

Or maybe it could be a Stephen J. Cannell drama like "The A-Team" or "The Rockford Files."

Coming in February! "The State of the Union!"

And I'm not watching it.

Somewhere along the line, I abandoned watching it (or even the times I listened to it on the radio as I was driving). I mean, I know that my not watching mostly evolved out of ...

No. Don't say that name. There's a severe obsession with his name that shall not be spoken (though tonight it feels like it's Kyrie Irving). 

The shame of it is that -- content aside -- there was always an entertainment value to it. From the House Sergeant at Arms introducing the Commander in Chief to the lame standing ovations of the party of the president to the glaring faces of his opposing party it is pure popcorn time.

I mean, what could be better than Nancy Pelosi shooting daggers into the 45th president?

Then there are those special guests, some of whom bring completely uplifting, inspiring backgrounds with them and are well worthy of the love given by the chamber. Or the poignant stories that give us pause.

Or Rush Limbaugh.

Perhaps it was social media that killed it for me. Perhaps it was the constant rancor that exists on a daily basis (even in the comments on this post). 

So, for me, I now scroll the interwebs for video highlights and (fair) analysis of the speech.

Oh, we have big problems as a country and that's where I feel guilty not watching but I think I do my duty by breaking it down after the fact.

Will I come back one day? I'd say it's more than likely but, for tonight, no.

So I'm enjoying some good old Big Bang Theory reruns and taking it easy.

It's better for my blood pressure.

Besides, isn't it past the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave's bedtime?

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