Thanks for my friend and foo (don't ask) Lindsey for directing me to "The Press Box's" page on the Lifestyle Talk Radio Network's website. Nothing fancy - just a picture and a bio. I'm glad Sean and Fred got mentioned!
I guess that means I get to stick around for a little while.
We'll get some guests going but I'm still flying solo for the time being to get used to daily grind. One hour really isn't a lot of time when you get right down to it, but that's OK - I'm not complaining.
It's been a while since I've worked in what's called a clock (that is, the format of a show). Basically this tells me what time I have to work with. In most of my previous incarnations, I knew I had to get in "X" number of breaks (three or four or whatever). In other words, there were things that had to run but I could pretty much run them when I wanted.
So I have to adjust - have the guest on during the first long segment? Keep them for a half-hour? Longer? What about callers? Am I leaving myself enough time for news and such? This is a work in progress!
As the page says, podcasts are available, which is a way of saying you can download previous shows. It seems just yesterday's show is there, but I have Monday's (if you really want it).
In a stretch of time recently where I haven't been smiling a whole lot, this did bring an upward curve to my lips.
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