Wednesday, September 18, 2024

It's Real but It's Parody


I am a big fan of parody.

Think back to movies like "Airplane" and you'll get the idea.

For a span of roughly 10 years I was part of a group that produced an annual video for the softball league I was a player and, yes, broadcaster. Every year we created some form of parody with a lot of "inside jokes" and others that made sense.

Ah, the memories.

And when I see something I can have fun with, I do it. It can be about anything or anyone. Generally speaking, it's harmless. It's not normally meant to be mean-spirited, but such is our world today. For instance, calling someone a "prep snob" might go badly.

Lately, I've been posting a series of self-serving photos in relation to my broadcasting work. I struggled to post them initially out of fear of anyone taking them too seriously. I don't have that high an opinion of myself or my work. I'm always touched and encouraged by kind words but also know they're quite fleeting.

The latest one was a reminder of a memory from 2021 when a young man named Charlie insisted on getting an autograph from me as I called a Renegades game. I'm pretty sure I wrote about the interaction on the blog because I was really blown away by the moment.

But sharing these things again, especially in the vivacious way I'm doing so, using ALL CAPS on certain words is a complete parody.

To those in on the joke, I appreciate the support. To those liking the posts out of whatever regard for me you have, thank you.

But, in truth, I don't need that kind of self-promotion. In fact, I'm generally against such things.

Yet, given the response, I'll keep doing them because I think it's hitting the target. That being the funny bone.

Oh, and I'll keep sharing them because apparently that needs to be part of the formula. Often, they're shared several times a month.

However, the response will never be where people are going to hire me. That's simply fool's gold to think that. In fact, the person responsible for the real version of these types of posts was told to stop doing it in a group that I'm an admin. When he refused and actually got a bit nasty about it, he was thrown out. He still complains about it.

But let's have a look at a few of my "MASTERPIECES."

The original. I went back and found a few shots taken of me calling Bridgeport Bluefish baseball in 2002. I decided to use a simple one-liner that gets the point across. Look at all of those NOTES in the background!

Chris Erway took this picture and, well, the comment was a direct shot across the bow. It likely didn't work but it made us laugh. Also, as I said, a key component is to keep posting them.

This picture was taken at Oxford this past July and the comment was real. So, yeah.

Joe Early took this picture one day circa 2017. And, yes, Mike Richter really did call me that, though I doubt he would ever remember it. But I saw an opportunity and went with it.

A favorite. I wasn't aware this picture was being taken until I saw it on Instagram in a story. I wasn't initially tagged in it but I like how natural it is. Bob Gerbet is to my left as we call Little League Baseball this summer.

As for the quote, no, I'm quite sure that "Phil G." wouldn't refer to us as the "Best Booth in Baseball." Thus, in this case, the parody is multifaceted, including a dig at me, I suppose. Yes, I'm in on the joke.

I could keep going on! Here's another good one.

A real comment from Shawn Sailer last week and, given Shawn is Mr. Fairfield (aka #OneTown), and a Fairfield Ludlowe graduate, I included this photo of me and the Ludlowe Falcon mascot from 2015. Thus, for the BIRDS!

And, lastly, what is possible the coup de grâce...

Our friend in question had a cake ready for his 900th career broadcast in a 40-plus year career. 

I saw where a laugh was possible as I approached 1,900 earlier this year. The game came and went with minimal mention because, overall, who cares? I hit 1,000 several years back and friends were kind to want to be around for that broadcast.

But I did joke with Shawn about wanting a cheesecake for my 1,900th. No, I really didn't but he still had fun with it.

In the long run, it's a nice personal milestone and I'm quite sure I will raise a glass when I hit 2,000 likely in 2025. 

But I also intend to do so quietly. Sure, I might write a post but I'm always reminded that the broadcasts aren't about me.

It will be a moment of reflection. I'm actually quite conflicted when it comes to it because I want them to be broadcasts of quality and yet I think I should have more games under my headset.

But, given the NEED for cake and celebration for 900, Shawn saw the opening for a parody with a certain HOGARTHIAN quality to it.

So, now you know when you see these MAGNANIMOUS words (all real, and not AI, for whatever that is worth) from fans, friends, and strangers, you'll understand.

I'm posting them tongue very firmly planted in cheek, but overall, more importantly, it is their words, NOT MINE.

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