Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Active and Creative


I can't juggle (Inc.com)

It's a good, busy day here.

I have a few minutes between meetings today. 

It's good to be active again.

I've already been to Hunt Scanlon for the script read. A conference awaits in New York next month.

Then one in San Francisco in October.

Then another one in New York in November.

I came home long enough to throw together egg and cheese sandwiches. We had rolls and eggs here so I decided to play chef with my limited skills.

Now, I'm readying for an upcoming meeting.

Ideas are flying around and, as often happens with me, there's promise. Now, I hope for action.

Hope. As always, it's so dangerous.

I enjoy the activity of the various opportunities but it's truly a base I want. If you haven't noticed, the idea of "home" has been a frequent theme here. 

I'd like some stability. I love chaos but I'm more into organization first.

Then I can riff off of that.

So I'll go to this meeting before likely coming back home.

Then, it's Game 1 for the Renegades and Greensboro Grasshoppers tonight at Heritage Financial Park. Two wins will put the Gades into the South Atlantic League championship.

Tomorrow morning opens with the Sep 11 memorial ceremony at Cos Cob Park. Join me live on WGCH around 8:40 a.m.

I have more work after that.

Thursday will include a podcast recording for Hunt Scanlon.

Friday is football.

I need this.

It's a grind. That's the best part. Creating opportunities and working hard to make things happen.

There's a true feeling of gratitude after working like this. Everything feels earned and it's very rewarding.

It's just that I need -- let me make this clear: NEED -- more of it.

But today's a good start.

And now let's get on a roll.


I remember parts of Sep 10, 2001. The Yankees getting rained out, etc.

Obviously, I'll never forget the events of the following day.

It's Sep 12th that I'd like to see us all go back to, if only for how kind, helpful, and patient we were.

We were united.

That would be nice to feel again.

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