Wednesday, September 25, 2024

We Need Stinking Badges


I used to have a media badge that I carried with me.

It was simple, carrying just the WGCH logo on it. I added a label with my name on it and that was enough. As Sean would go to games with me at that time, I made one for him as well. It made him feel official.

I stopped wearing it a while ago as it was outdated.

Flash forward to the beginning of this footblal season at West Haven.

At first, I walked into their stadium unnoticed, as security wasn't on site yet. Dan didn't have an issue when he arrived either but a guard near the gate noticed him walk back to his car.

"He's with me," I told the guard, though I'm not sure what that point would have been. But she recognized that we were both legit and both broadcasters, so it was OK.

I watched as some of the print media walked in, badges around their necks and it reminded me that maybe we should once again have such a thing.

Earlier today, for the fun of it, I looked online to see how expensive such a thing would be.

Finding the price to not be prohibitive, I went about selecting a style and designing credentials that would help Dan and I look a little more legit.

I found a picture that I liked of myself. Granted, it's dated, but it's a shot John Ferris Robben took of me at Brunswick a few years back. I've used it for other profile pictures and I still sort of look like that.

I also fudged a new logo. This badge will be used for games that I cover and I can't really dig up the logos of every job that I work at.

So, unless I decide to make a new one, I picked out WGCH and Robcasting and put them together. Nothing fancy, of course, and I have no idea how the finished product will look.

It's worth mentioning that it feels like I need a credential most of all at football games that I work. I generally have no problem with other sports, especially when covering Brunswick. Still, an official-looking badge won't hurt.

I realize it's not the work of the Official Internation Sportscasting Badge Design Association of Ottumwa, IA. It's meant to look like I belong and I suppose I can show my driver's license beyond that.

No. There is not an official organization for sportscasting badges. Also, I used Ottumwa, IA because it's such a great-sounding city name and Radar O'Reilly from M*A*S*H was from there.

It's supposed to be delivered in under two weeks which simply produced questions for me.

- Why does it take so long to create this?

- The second question is about shipping. After going through the creation process, I went to check out and saw that the shipping cost was nearly double the cost of the badge. So...why?

Dan and I placed our order together to help with the shipping cost a little but it's still essentially two-to-one.

It will be cool to get it when it arrives. I've got a few lanyards just from myriad Hunt Scanlon conferences alone.

If nothing else, it will be a fun curio to add to the box of credentials I've acquired over nearly three decades.

And maybe we'll look official.

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