Thursday, September 05, 2024

Playoff Fever


The Hudson Valley Renegades celebrate

I'll cut to the chase.

Last night was one of the most fun experiences I've ever had on a baseball field.

I've experienced walk-off hits, have scored a championship-winning run, and have broadcast myriad big moments, but have never joined in a celebration at a professional level.

You know me. I eschew being a part of many things that I think belong to the team. By "team," it's a bigger term in that there are the players, coaches, and, in the case of the Renegades, the front office. 

As a broadcaster (which I'm not for the Renegades) I tend to back off, with the exception of congratulating everyone. I've certainly done that on many occasions with the teams I've covered.

Last night, the Renegades clinched a playoff spot. The needed to win their own game and then wait for the result of another one. The Gades did their part, beating the Asheville Tourists* 3-0. They needed the Jersey Shore BlueClaws to beat the Aberdeen IronBirds.

*If the Asheville Tourists remind you of the movie Bull Durham, well then pat yourself on the back! 

I handled the public address announcing and we had a really nice, fun night in the PA booth. The game was over, and there was still the postgame tennis ball toss to be played, so the game between the Aberdeen and Jersey Shore was put on the video board in left field. Jersey Shore held a 3-1 lead as we started watching.

Up in the booth, Jason, Clicks, Tom, and I were joined by Anthony, Murph, Jason (Stapf), Devin, Fred, and ... oh, yeah ... Sean.

Faces came in and out but that's the crew that I remember.

As Fish hosted the tennis ball toss, we watched him complete the evening.

At that point, we glanced at the Aberdeen/Jersey Shore game, which was in the 7th inning. The lead had been cut to 3-2.

"I can listen to it in the car if I want," I said. The drive home can be a drag.

But I also glanced back down to the field. Fish was joined by members of the front office as well as the players, who were throwing a football around in the outfield.

"Guys," I offered. "I'm going down to the field."

Fish, in front, took selfies of the crew.

Pretty much everyone came down. Admittedly, when you have a group of full-timers, which the front office is, and the part-timers join in, which we are, it can feel like the Sharks and the Jets.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

OK, maybe that's extreme but there is sometimes a divide, though not by design. It just happens.

But no one seemed to mind as Jersey Shore tacked on to their lead. Heading into the bottom of the ninth, the BlueClaws were up 6-2.

The mood was jovial as cameras began to record it all.

The players stopped tossing the football as the last of the ninth began. The front office staff began to move to the outfield to watch on the board.

"Come on guys."

We know we're the gameday people. Our involvement is different. But we're still all a small part of the journey. In my mind, I wanted to stand closer and watch the Renegades lock up another playoff appearance. This is what everyone works for.

Three outs remained.

Well, it wasn't all that dramatic. A ground out and swinging strikeout opened the inning.

One out to go.

Ryan Stafford of Aberdeen took a called strike three from Paxton Thompson of Jersey Shore and the Renegades ticket was officially punched.


Cameras recorded the players hugging in the outfield, safe in the knowledge that more baseball awaits next week. The chance of a title is official.

We watched as the players then hustled off the field, beyond the outfield fence.

We took it all in, somewhat unsure what to do. Should we leave? The last thing I want to do is overstay my welcome or overstep my boundaries.

Then a roar went up as we watched champagne fly beyond the outfield fence The players were bathing in the moment of bubbly.

I watched the Greensboro Grasshoppers do the same thing when they clinched a playoff spot in 2021. They celebrated down the right field line as the Gades' playoff hopes died. The postseason that year was a smaller format and the Renegades -- the 2021 North Division champions -- weren't included.

Last night, it was different.

Thanks to Clicks for this

Soon, we were invited to have our own celebration and join our front-office colleagues and friends. General manager Zach Betkowski gave a brief speech, capped by imploring the pursuit of a championship ring.

Then, for the first time ever, I was part of a champagne explosion. Fish took aim at me with a bottle as I opened mine up.

For the record, Fish got more champagne on Sean than on me, but it's all friendly fire at that point.

More pictures were taken, including by the team photographer, who gathered us all up for a shot. We thanked him and he told us we deserved it, as he sees all of us on the top level at every game.

I talked with people for a bit and kind of just watched everyone enjoy the moment, mindful that it's only one step toward a championship. For the Renegades, there's more work to be done.

Sean and I stepped away as the celebration continued. We waved to Clicks and Fish and made our way out via the right field corner.

It was nice to be a part of it all. I'll treasure it.

The Renegades play again tonight before finishing the regular season this weekend. I'm working both Saturday and Sunday and then I hope to be involved in the postseason games beginning next week.

Get your tickets and go support the team!

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