Friday, September 13, 2024

The Opener


The tradition continues. WGCH Radio, GHS, 2000
(L-R: Sean Kilklelly, me, Bob Small)

Opening Day.

Every Opening Day deserves a post. Even if it's Opening Night.

It all feels fresh.

There are nerves. Always. Sometimes it's worse than other years. I learned that I wanted those nerves. I like them. 

It is healthy. It is a reminder that this is all a privilege as well as a job. It can be fleeting and gone in a moment. I'm never convinced that I've earned any of this. I'm not entitled to it.

There was a point early last December when I wondered if I would ever broadcast Greenwich football again. Things happen and I worry.

Then the offseason creeps along and you wonder if WGCH will commit to another year. Will we get sponsors? Are we wanted? 

Then Chris Erway announced he was moving.

But Greenwich High School is happy we're back. We have sponsors (and can always use more). To that end, if you have any interest in sales, reach out to me.

And Dan Murphy is ready to rock tonight in the booth. 

Oh, there will still be nerves and doubt. I have no doubt about Dan or Sean Kilkelly, again in the studio this season. I trust both of them.

Most of the doubt is the result of the Blue Meanies* swimming around in my brain.

* It's a Beatles reference.

What do I worry about?

I'm still waiting on a West Haven roster. Traffic through Stamford. That I'm prepared enough for the #PrepSnobs of the world. Traffic through Westport. That the equipment is working, especially after we had a computer issue in the studio yesterday. Traffic through Bridgeport. Getting to the game site with enough time. Yes, you actually can have too much time at a game site and you have to adjust without getting stale. Traffic from Milford to West Haven. Parking at the site. Given access to the site. Hoping the booth is open early enough. Hoping Dan's trip is OK. Hoping I haven't forgotten anything.


Hoping I remember how to call a football game.

You will say, "But Rob! Dear Rob! You are the most verily of professionals! It will all be OK!"

Look, I get that so much of what I just said is largely out of my control and the result of anxiety. It's in my head. All duly noted. But these are the checkboxes that especially exist before the first broadcast. They're actually sort of necessary. It keeps me humble.

Because, in the long run, I want everything to be in the neighborhood of perfect. I want people to remain every bit as pleased and impressed as they've been for a quarter of a century. I want people to say this is as good or even better than what they hear at the professional level.

I read the notes about those who are seen as "the best in Connecticut/Tri-State Area/the world." OK, sure. Cool.

I've always wanted people to be proud that I'm their play-by-play announcer. I don't want them to cringe at that thought. If they're asked about game coverage, I want them to feel proud of me and recommend the work I've helped create.

My first Greenwich football broadcast was in 1999. I was a frozen sideline reporter who could have been the analyst had another person not shown up. In 2000, I became the lead announcer and have worked Greenwich football ever since. I've missed only a few games, not including 2014-15 when I was at the HAN Network. I did some GHS football but not every game. I even did a 7-on-7 game during COVID in 2020. I've covered spring football games, hosted the team banquet, attended golf tournaments, and so on.

Otherwise, it took surgery, a business trip to San Francisco, and my niece's wedding (with no backup for me) to miss these games.

And I have a wonderful connection at Brunswick as well. I truly enjoy that relationship and have wished for it to be more. I wish I could split myself in two and get over to Cosby Field to handle Cheshire Academy/Wick tonight. But I can't, so I'll see the Bruins next week at Salisbury if I'm still wanted/needed.

See what I mean? The mind is a dangerous thing. 

And, as always, I just want a home.

Enough. It's time to get back to prepping, which is more than just writing notes and studying rosters. It's pulling things together and being ready mentally.

Greenwich and West Haven will be live at 5:50 p.m. on WGCH (1490 am), online at, and on Robcasting at

If you have Alexa, Radio Garden, Tune In, or another method I'm not thinking of, you can find WGCH there. We're on smartphones and iPads and computers and radios.

If you've never listened, give us a try. If you have listened in the past, please join us again.

We're not a "Game of the Week" that covers a small region. I cover Greenwich, Brunswick, and anyone else without hesitation.

And I love it.

Year 26 of play-by-play (not counting the corporate softball days).

Let's get started.

(And West Haven's AD just told me I'd get the roster at the field. So, yeah.)

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