Sunday, June 23, 2024

You Won't Like the Answers


We'd like to move in there. Soon.

My phone buzzed. I growled.

Pack a little. 

Then stop.

I learned that, as of now, we can't move until July 1st.

To say I wasn't happy would be a slight exaggeration. I was fairly annoyed. Disappointed. And, as I've said, frustrated.

It puts a bit of pressure on us but I don't plan to give up.

Oh, I get it. The current tenants are entitled to be there until June 30th. We just want to put some stuff in the basement. Our inquiry into that came back with "Is it a few items?"

I mean, no, it's not. It's the basement. It's our storage. Thus, it's moving the contents of our attic.

In short, it's a start. 

To satiate my need to move forward, I made an attempt to move our internet and TV to the new place. I'm not sure that worked (thanks, Verizon).

If you don't know, I loathe phone calls and, yet, I'll be making calls to both Eversource and Verizon to sort these things out.

In the case of Eversource, I've set up to turn off the power here on July 1 but I need to give them new address. You might know that I've previously mentioned that we don't know exactly which meter is ours.

I mean, really, you say? Yeah. Really.

But I acquired information that will hopefully move that ball along.

And with Verizon, it's more a question of confirming what I did today because I'm not convinced anything worked.

Otherwise, it was a day of "Meet the Beatles" and a grocery store run. Beyond that, my goal has been to organize and be prepared. I spent some time in the attic to get a few things in place but, in reality, it's just too hot up there right now. Sweat poured off of me and with how disgusting the air is, breathing isn't the easiest thing in the world.

To be clear, I'm not struggling to breathe. It's just very heavy air.

But we're forming the game plan here. Organize the change of services and what needs to be packed up. Have it all ready.

The minute I get the key, get the party started. As you know about me, that could be five or six in the morning on July 1. It really wouldn't bother me. 

Get the heavy stuff over to the new place ASAP because two of our movers will be bringing pickup trucks so their time is very important. Sean and I can keep loading our cars with things as well.

I reminded myself that our 2022 move from Mahopac took two days, mostly because of the distance between Mahopac and Greenwich. We have nothing like that here so I'm really hopeful that, with a strong effort, we can get this all done.

It's going to happen.

It's going to be OK.

Enjoy the process.

It will soon be over.

That being said, I'd really like to move some stuff this weekend. 

Please? Pretty please?

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